Christmas| Part 6

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"I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry... for leaving you on read yesterday... I was just really upset that you ditched us," I sniffle up my leftover tears. My back facing Cesar, I lay my hand on my stomach watching the rain from the bed to the window. "Don't apologize... I shouldn't have gone out knowing we had plans... so I'm sorry," he apologizes.

I turn around to face him as the tears continue to fall. I put my forehead on his holding his hand, "I love you so much". I cry to him. "I love you too. Now and forever," he squeezes my hand. I press my lips on him, he instantly responds. I deepen the kiss so that we're basically making out.

I pull away pushing my fingers through his hair, "I fucking love you. I don't ever wanna lose you". I cry even harder. "It's okay, baby," he holds me closer than ever. We're thinking about breaking up... I'm obviously not handling it well. "I don't wanna break up," I say through my tears.

"I know, but it's for the best," he tries to convince me. "No, everything's just gonna be the same except without each other," I wipe my tears. He knows I'm right so he just pulls me closer. "You only wanna break up because I won't have another baby with you," I pull away from him.

That sadness suddenly turns into anger. "No," he shakes his head. "Yes, you do. So, let's just do it now since it's bothering everyone so much!" I furrow my brows in anger. "Monse, you're overreacting, that's not why," he shakes his head.

"Then why?! What's the reason?!" I clench my fists. He gets in my face, "because that's what's best! You're depressed Monse! You're never happy no matter what I do!". "That's only what you think! THAT'S NOT WHAT I AM!" I scream the last part in his face.

"I'm not gonna do this with you today. We don't have to break up if you don't want to, but at least couples therapy or something," He suggests getting out of my face. I agreed, "fine... okay, we can do that". I finally stop crying.

I think we can...

"Are you guys done yelling?!" Rosa yells through our locked door. "Yes... no... yes," I wipe leftover tears with the sleeve of my hoodie getting up. I open the door, "Merry Christmas, baby". I smile softly leaning my head on the doorframe. "Merry Christmas put this on!" she holds up a Santa hat.

I bend down so that she can put it on my head. "I feel better. I'm not sick anymore," she bites her lip. "Okay," I nod. "Why were you crying?" she crosses her arms. "No reason," I cut my eyes down the hall. "You're lying," she reaches up to hug me. I reach down to pick her up and hug her back.

She squeezes me tight. I honestly needed this... after everything with Cesar this morning. A few tears fall, "I love you... and your hugs. I really love your hugs". "I love you too and your hugs. I don't like Papi's sometimes," she loosens her grip.

"Sometimes I don't either, but I love his snuggles," I chuckle. "My snuggles are great," he joins in on the hug too. "But mommy's are the best in the world!" she squeezes me. "Don't worry, we'll cuddle tonight," I squeeze her back. "Good. Can we open the presents now?" she asks.

"Of course," We all walk downstairs to the living room. She jumps down off of me, "I got this one for you!". She hands me a small box. "Aww, thank you, mami," I unwrap it. I open the box and there's a necklace with a picture of me and her in it. "I love it so much, thank you," I hug her.

"Here Papi," she hands him a gift. When he opens it, there's a watch with a picture of them inside. "Gracias bebé me encanta," he kisses her on the head. We watch happily as our daughter opens her presents. I wish we could be like this every day...

♡ Liked by, janediaz, and 4,908 others

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Liked by, janediaz, and 4,908 others

@monselina_ It's her missing earring for me🤣🌹

View all 531 comments

@mariadiaz Baby💗

@janediaz Favorite pic now🥰

@monselina_ @janediaz Yay💖💖

@cesardiaz Mi Vida💘

@monselina_ @cesardiaz <3

@jasmineflores Your twin💓💚

@monselina_ @jasmineflores I guesssss🙄💓

@jamalturner That's my bestie🥱🤞🏽

@monselina_ @jamalturner "Period" ~ Rosa

@juneking Best fren, when we gaming again?

@monselina_ @juneking "Come over" ~ Rosa

@juneking @monselina_ Coming🏃🏾‍♂️

After going to family and friends' homes we're finally at our house. "Did you have fun today?" I ask Rosa when we walk in. "Yeah," she puts her gifts from everyone on the couch. I hang our coats up. "Can we still watch the movie?" she asks. "Sure," I go into the kitchen.

Cesar's at his mom's right now, so we're just gonna hang until he gets back. I grab a tub of ice cream, two spoons, along a few snacks. We go upstairs to Cesar and I's room. "Here," I give her a spoon. I can hear the door open, I already know it's Cesar 'cause of the footsteps.

I turn on the movie and we start to eat the snacks. "Hey," he walks in closing the door behind him. "Hi," I put some ice cream in my mouth. He lays down next to us. He grabs my spoon out of my hand and takes some of the ice cream. "Cesarrrr," I whine.

"Monselinaaaaa," he mocks. "Don't call me that," I snatch my spoon back. "Monselina Finnie," he teases. "One of these days Cesar... One of them..." I shake my head. I look down at Rosa who's trying to stay up. She's trying to keep her head up, but it's clearly not working.

I give Cesar the snacks to take back downstairs. "Come here," I move closer to Rosa and she snuggles into me. I pull the blanket over us as I rub her back so she can fall asleep all the way. My eyes become heavy and I fall asleep within a few minutes.



~Cesar and Monse's argument earlier?

~Couples therapy?

~"You only wanna break up because I won't have another baby with you," thoughts and opinions on that?

~(in your opinion) who was wrong in this argument?

~Should they have broken up?

~"because that's what's best! You're depressed Monse! You're never happy no matter what I do!". Thoughts and opinions on that?

~Monse and Rosa?



~How y'all feel about this story so far?

~Suggestions for other chapters?

~Make sure to VOTE and answer all questions above :)

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