Keep tryin'| Part 13

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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝐭𝐡-𝐌 𝐨 𝐧 𝐬 𝐞

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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝐭𝐡
𝐌 𝐨 𝐧 𝐬 𝐞

"Why do I gotta wear this?" Rosa rolls her eyes. "Because I don't want you in a hospital again," I try putting the oxygen cannula in her nose but she keeps moving her head so I can't. "Rosalia stop. I'm not in the mood right now," I frown. "No! I don't want it," she pushes my hand away.

"That's too bad. You need it," I sigh of irritation. "Well, I don't want it," she smacks the cannula out of my hand. I know she didn't just- "Don't smack stuff out of my hand. I'm not gonna tell you again, let me put it on or you're not gonna be able to breathe," I pick the cannula off the floor.

"No," she runs out of her room. I really don't wanna chase her right now, I've been in pain all day. I walk out of the room looking at her blankly from across the hallway. "Can you please just let me-" she cuts me off, "no!". "Don't yell at me," I shake my head. She rolls her eyes again.

"If I have to tell you again it's not gonna be pretty. Put it on now Rosalia," I say sternly. "Unt uh," she runs back into her room. She starts throwing stuff all over the floor. "STOP!" I try taking the remote out of her hand, but she's fighting me. She hit me right in the middle of my face...

My instant response was smacking her thigh but I regret it as soon as I do it. I see her lip start to quiver before she's full-blown bawling her eyes out. I storm out of the room tears falling from my eyes as well. I can't believe I just did that... we're both having meltdowns except I can hear hers.

I walk quickly to my room, throw myself onto the bed, bury my head inside the pillow, then scream/cry of frustration. I hear my door open as her cries get softer, but I don't look up from the pillow. "What's wrong with you guys?" I hear Cesar asks causing me to jolt up.

"Why are you in my house?" I furrow my brows. "I just wanted to see her," he has a sad expression, "why are y'all crying?". "I hit her," I cry hard. "Why?" he sits next to me. "I- I don't know. She was throwing a tantrum, she hit me in my face and that was my first reaction," I cry.

"Hey, hey, hey," He pulls me into a hug which I instantly respond to.

Cesar left a few hours ago... we talked a lot of shit out. I haven't talked to Rosa we both need space. I hear my door open,  then close. I already know it's Rosa 'cause of her footsteps. I feel her crawl up on my bed, but I keep looking at my phone.

She taps my shoulder, "Mommy... I'm sowwy for being mean". I turn off my phone taking a deep breath, "thank you for apologizing. I'm sorry too, it wasn't nice of us to be mean to each other. I didn't mean to hit you". I press my lips together as I hold her hand.

"Promise we won't do it again?" I run my thumb over her knuckles. "Pwomise," she hugs me. "We gotta go to grandma's get dressed," I playfully tap her arm. She frowns, "but I wanna talk to the baby". she pouts. "Make it quick," I sit up so she can do what she needs to do.

She sits on my thighs right below my bump, she starts tracing little circles around it when I lift up my shirt. "Hi, baby. My name's Rosalia, but mommy calls me Rosa or Rosie, I can't wait to see you and feed you lollipops," she smiles making me smile too.

I can feel something burst down there causing me to move Rosa off of me quickly. I push down my shorts to see... my water broke. Shit. I quickly grab my phone to call my mom, which she immediately answers. "Mom... my water broke," I panic. "I'm comin' don't hang up!" she says.

"Ow," I moan grabbing my stomach in pain. "Mommy, what's wrong?" Rosa grabs my arm. "I'm gonna have the baby," I grip onto the side of my headboard. "Get your stuff ready," I bite my lip as I try to get up but there's still pain. A few minutes later my mom comes into my room.

"Where's Rosa?" she looks around. "In her room," I take breaths as the pains get worse. "MONTY! Get Rosa in the car!" she yells to my dad. I grab her hand, using the other one to grip onto my nightstand because of the pain. I slightly lift myself up, but I go back down as soon as I do.

"1, 2, 3," she counts before pulling me up I moan in pain as she pulls me up. "Come on, come on," she says softly helping me out of the room. I try taking a step down the stairs but I can't. "What's wrong? Why isn't she moving?" my dad says from behind us.

"She's in labor clearly, just help me get her down!" she says irritated. He grabs my other arm, we only get down a few steps tho. "I can't," I say breathlessly as I stop going down. "Yes! Yes, you can," she squeezes my hand. "No," I shake my head. Dad picks me up and carries me to the car.

I grip onto the grab handle moaning out in pain, which eventually turn into cries. When we get to the hospital they put me into a wheelchair then take me into the delivery room. They reposition the bed downward so that it's easier for them to get the baby out when she gets here.

They wrap a fetal monitor around my exposed belly and put my legs into the stirrups. My mom holding one of my hands, my dad holding the other. Jane's holding my knee, Cesar's doing the same on the other knee. I start to push, it hurts like hell but I'm doing it.

"You got this, baby," my dad wipes sweat off of my forehead with a paper towel. I push a few more times, pushing hard one more time before throwing my head back feeling relief. I hear her cry, I start crying. Everybody's crying. I give a tired smile as I watch Cesar cut her umbilical cord.

They lay her on my bare chest she wraps her hand around my finger. She's so beautiful.

 She's so beautiful

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~that was something-

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