ily| Part 3

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𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝐭𝐡-𝐌 𝐨 𝐧 𝐬 𝐞

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𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝐭𝐡
𝐌 𝐨 𝐧 𝐬 𝐞

"Rosieeeee," I walked into Rosa's bedroom. She had the blanket wrapped over her head, but you could still see her face. "Get up, it's time to eat," I shook her a little. "No," she groaned. "Don't tell me no. Now get up," I snatched the blanket off her.

"Stop," she pouted. "I'ma start taking your electronics before bed if this is what you're gonna do," I shook my head. She rolled her eyes at me, before storming into her bathroom, slamming the door shut. "Lose the attitude," I said when I walked into the bathroom after her.

"Brush your teeth, bring me the iPad, the phone, and the laptop when you come down," I told her, then I went back downstairs. "You okay?" Mom asked when I sat down at the table. "I'm fine, she has an attitude," I rolled my eyes. "She always does when she wakes up. She's just like you".

"I know, that's the problem," I chuckled, taking a sip of my coffee. "Here," Rosa gave me the laptop, her phone, along the iPad. "Thank you. Now, when you learn to respect me, you may have them back," I told her. "Why are you so mean to her Monse?" mom furrowed her brows.

"I'm mean because I'm correcting her actions?" I furrowed mine too. "She's four years old Mons, she doesn't know any better," she shook her head. "Okay, so, I'm just supposed to let her do whatever she wants? She's already spoiled as it is," I defended.

"That's not what I'm saying," she sighed. "That's exactly what you're saying. Just 'cause you let your kids do whatever they want, doesn't mean I'm gonna let mine. Rosalia let's go," I grabbed Rosa's hand before storming out of the house.

"Where are we going, mommy?" Rosa asked as I strapped her into her car seat. "We're gonna go see Papi," I sighed as I pulled off. "I'm sorry, mommy for slamming the door," she apologized.

"I'm sorry too, for being mean... Just don't do it again, or I'm taking your electronics for good," I warned her, as I continued driving down to Cesar's. I got Rosa out of the car when we arrived at Cesar's.

"PAPI!" Rosa jumped on Cesar when we walked into the house, and he picked her up in the air, causing me to smile. "Buenas Dias, mi Princesa," he kissed her cheek. "Hola, Bebe," he leaned down to kiss me on the lips. "What brings you guys here so early?" he asked setting Rosa down.

"My mom doesn't like the way I discipline Rosa," I laid down on the love seat. "Well, what did you do?" he pulled my legs on his lap. "She had an attitude earlier, then she slammed the door when I went to follow her, so I took away her electronics," I explained.

"Rosalia, didn't we talk about slamming doors, along with talking back?" he looked at Rosa who was coloring something at the kiddie table, she looked at him while nodding. "If I hear it again, I'm getting Abuela, understood?" he raised a brow. "Yes, Papi," she nodded.

He makes me so horny when he gets defensive.

Jane walked into the house. "ABUELA!" Rosa ran up to hug her. She hugged her back, "hi my Rosie". "I got your lollipops," she picked Rosa up on her hip. "Yay!" Rosa clapped. She looked at me like she'd seen a ghost when she was about to walk past.

"When did you get out?" Her look shifted into a small smile. I smiled back, "yesterday". "That's so good," she walked into the kitchen. Jamal walked into the house, "Cesar, my life is on the line an-" he cut himself off, "I know that's not my best friend sitting on that couch".

"Bestie, it's me," I grinned with my teeth. "Cesar, up," he demanded. Cesar looked at me crazy. "What? Listen to the man," I slapped his shoulder gesturing for him to get up. He rolled his eyes as he got up.

Jamal sat down putting my legs on his lap now, "how was jail?". "Boring... whole bunch of lesbians in there," I chuckled. "¿Te sientes cómodo con él preguntando eso?" Cesar cut his eyes at us. "Realmente no me importa," I shrugged.

TRANSLATIONS ~ ¿Te sientes cómodo con él preguntando eso? - Do you feel comfortable with him asking that?
TRANSLATIONS ~ Realmente no me importa - I really don't care

"English Mon, we talked about this," Jamal snapped in my face. "My bad," I put my hands up in defense. "Wanna go back to high school?" he smirked opening his bag which consisted of weed along with a bong. "Only if you're down. Baby, you down?" I asked Cesar.

"You bet, Hermosa," he got up signaling we go up to his room. We sat on the beanbags which were neatly in the middle of his floor when you walked in. "Do you actually know how to smoke it now, Jamal?" Cesar asked causing me to snicker.

"No... but since you and Monse are weed addicts I was hoping for help," he defended passing me his bag. "We're not weed addicts, get it right," I rolled my eyes as I pulled out the stuff. "Yeah, right, you guys were stoned every time I saw y'all," He pulled out his phone.

"You're not wrong, but that was only 'cause we had to deal with your hyperbolic self," I put the blunt in my mouth before lighting it. "I am offended!" he scoffed. "She wasn't wrong," Cesar shrugged as I passed it to Jamal. "Remember, slow puffs," I reminded him.

He did as he was told and actually did well. "Good, just like that," I smiled. I miss this, just hanging out as friends.


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