Beach| Part 17

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I set out Analia and Mari's breakfast in containers for Jas, so she doesn't have to worry about it while we're gone, all she has to do is lunch

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I set out Analia and Mari's breakfast in containers for Jas, so she doesn't have to worry about it while we're gone, all she has to do is lunch. "Rosa, wake up," I speak softly, tapping her lightly. "Why so earlyyyy?" she groans pulling the cover over her face.

"If we leave now, we won't have to worry about your sisters waking up cranky, taking up our time," I pull the cover off her face. She turns the other way, "okay, I'm up". she says groggily. I get up from her bed over to her closet. "Red one?" I ask looking through her closet.

"Mhm," she mumbles. I grab the two-piece red bathing suit out of her closet, along with black mesh cover-up pants for bathing suits. So we can match. She changes into it, then we head out. "I know you are not about to fall asleep," I look over at her in the passenger seat.

"Of course not," she mutters sarcastically. "Don't fall asleep or ima throw you in the water when we get there," I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah," she turns up the music so she can't hear me. Petty. I turn it back down, "I'm serious, I need to ask you something, well, talk to you about something".

"About," she fully opens her eyes sitting up. I sigh, "I already talked to Nali about it, but I still have to see if you're comfortable, 'cause if you're not, I won't do it". "Just tell me. As long as it's not bad," she shrugs. "I've been seeing someone for a long time," I tell her.

"Who?" she looks at me like I'm crazy. "I'll get to that. I really like him, but he's a new guy, so I wanted to know if you were comfortable with meeting him today," I twist my lip. I see a small smile on her face, "yeah, when?". "He's gonna meet us at the beach, Nali met him," I smile.

I grab my phone to text him.

Me//6:20 AM
See you in 30 :)

Chris💕//6:20 AM
See you ;)

I was finally making progress. We get to the beach and set up our things. She lays her head on my lap as we watch the pink/orange morning sky. Plus, there was no one here except us so we had the whole beach to ourselves for now. "You gonna tell me a story?" she speaks quietly.

"What do you wanna hear?" I play with her hair as she traces light shapes on my thigh. "Anything. It doesn't matter," I feel her smile against my skin.

"A few months after I brought you home, you smacked me in the face 'cause you didn't wanna drink your bottle, you wanted to watch Frozen, but I was worried 'cause you weren't eating every time it was time for your bottle. So, I took you to the hospital because I thought you were gonna die from starvation, they told me that you weren't eating 'cause you were constipated," I laugh.

"That's weird," she laughs as well. "Next week, we have interviews in LA, so pack your bags when we get home," I tell her. "Only coming for the pictures. I only have two," she unlocks her phone scrolling to the pictures. "Well, you can take plenty more while we're there," I kiss her head.

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