5 AM| Part 4

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"MOMMY!" Rosalia knocked on Cesar's door

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"MOMMY!" Rosalia knocked on Cesar's door. Cesar looked up at me slowly bringing his head from in between my legs, removing his fingers from inside of me. "One second, baby!" I jolted up looking for my underwear. "Oh god," I pulled on my shirt then my sweatpants.

I opened the door, "yes, rosa?". "I can't sleep," she rubbed her eyes. "Your night light went out again?" I asked leaning down to wipe her teary eyes with my thumbs. "No... I had a bad dream about the guy with the gun... I don't feel good," she looked down at her feet.

"Aww, Mami it's okay," I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around my neck. "He's gone now... forever," I kissed the side of her head. "Are you sure?" I felt her playing with one of my curls.

"I'm so sure. Now let's take your temperature, you're burning up," I twisted my lip as I walked down to the bathroom. I set her on the counter grabbing the thermometer out of the cabinet. "Open your mouth," I told her as I cleansed the thermometer before putting it in her mouth.

I kept it in her mouth until it beeped. "99.2..." I sighed. "Am I sick?" she looked up at me. "Yeah... maybe it's just a cold, but you need your medicine, kay?" I gave her half a smile. "Okay," she reached for me to pick her up.

"That means you have to rest if you wanna feel better," I picked her up. "I'll order you some soup," I walked into Cesar's bedroom. "Papi, I'm sick," she whined releasing a tiny cough. "Mama and I will take care of you, Princesa," he got up to kiss her.

"She has a temperature of 99.2," I sighed grabbing my phone off my side of the bed. "Maybe it's just a cold," he shrugged laying back on the bed. "I'm gonna call her doctor to see if she can go in today," I walked out of the room closing the door behind me.

"Do I have to go to the doctor's?" She asked in a scratchy voice. I walked into the kitchen, "yeah, if you wanna feel better". I grabbed her phone off the top of the fridge. "I thought you said I needed medicine to feel better," she grumbled.

I sat down at the table, "sometimes our medicine doesn't work and we need to ask the doctor to give us special medicine". I rested my chin on top of her head. "Do I have to get another shot?" She asked. I handed her phone to her, "no". I giggled.

I would hope not.


"It's not that hard to lift a box, Cesar," I sucked my teeth. he rolled his eyes, "who's idea was it to pack a million things in here?". "Gimme the damn box!" I snatched the box from him and put it inside the moving truck. "That wasn't so hard now was it?" I giggled coming out of the truck.

"It was so hard," he pulled me in by my waist. "You're just lazy that's all," I pecked him on the lips. "Only for you," he smirked pulling me in for a kiss. I heard Oscar chuckle, "aren't you guys supposed to be moving not making out?".

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