Issues| Part 7

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I look down at Monse who's smiling a little in her sleep

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I look down at Monse who's smiling a little in her sleep. "You're so beautiful," I say quietly kissing the tip of her nose. "You're so handsome," she mumbles, smiling harder. I pull her closer to me, "time to get up lazy". "I just wanna lay with you all day," she squeezes me.

"I would love that, but we have therapy today," I run my thumb over her perfect lips. "No," she pouts but her eyes are still closed. "I'll get you food if you wake up," I poke her stomach. "Fine, I'll get up," she opens her eyes. "I knew it," I chuckle kissing her cheek.

She gets up and presses the intercom, "get up sleepy". She speaks softly to Rosa. A few minutes later Rosa comes into the room. "Good morning, baby. How'd you sleep?" Monse asks her. She crawls in between us but snuggles into Monse, "good".

I order the food and it gets here shortly. "I wanna go to college," Monse tells me sipping her drink. "Keep dreaming," I say sarcastically. "It's not a dream, it's a goal. I graduated, but couldn't go to college. I can do it online if I apply for it, Jas did," she shrugs giving Rosa some of her drink.

"Apply now. Get it out of the way," I tell her. She smiles a little and grabs the laptop off the desk, then crawls back onto the bed with us. I watch as she fills out the application.

A/N - I don't know how college shit works so if I mistake anything just... let me be great. But I do know college takes a few months to get into and I don't feel like doing all that shit, so she gon have to wait a week or two to get in. Back to the story :)

"All done," she closes the laptop and takes one of my fries. "You have your own," I playfully roll my eyes. "Rosa's eating mine, stupid. Plus, yours taste better and have less cheese than mine," she smiles at me before taking another one. "I guess," I kiss her cheek.

"You're quiet this morning, what's wrong?" she asks Rosa. "Nothing," she looks up at her. Monse knows her too well to know she's lying but she just drops it, "okay". "What'd your mom say last night?" I ask her. She went and talked to her mom about any mental health problems she has.

"According to her, I've got anxiety and bipolar disorder, PTSD, then anger issues," she tells me. "I think we knew about all those. You're pretty dangerous when you're mad," I joke. "I guess so," she giggles.


"She has a few problems with herself and we think that's what's causing the rift in our relationship," I say to the therapist. "Problems? Can you elaborate?" she looks up from her clipboard. "PTSD, anger issues, then anxiety and bipolar disorder," Monse tells her.

"Oh, my. Well, I may have a few suggestions for that later," she writes something down. "What kind of problems are you guys having?" she asks. "We're arguing a lot over things that aren't even big deals," I bite my lip.

"How do you guys resolve those arguments?" she continues writing. "Sometimes we talk... most of the time we have sex... angry, emotional sex," Monse tells her and I smirk. "Oh... um, never heard that before. Do you guys have any kids or planning?" she furrows her brows.

"We have a four-year-old. Her name's Rosalia. I want more but she's always saying no," I cut my eyes at Monse. "My body, my choice. Are we done here?" Monse scoffs. "Yeah, next session is where we confess our feelings about things without getting upset at each other," she explains.

We can't do that.

"IT'S TIME TO PARTY!" Maria jumps on me, waking me up

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"IT'S TIME TO PARTY!" Maria jumps on me, waking me up. "No, it's not. I'm napping," I groan pulling the cover over my face. "You're such a party pooperrrr, get up, it's like 8 PM," she pushes me. "Okay, okay," I get up pushing her off of me.

 "Okay, okay," I get up pushing her off of me

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Monse's hair and outfit

"Mira, get that look off your face, it's time to smoke, eat, and drink!" Jasmine smoothes out my eyebrows. "Bet," I get up from my vanity. "MWAH," Maria gives me a big wet kiss on my cheek. "Ew," I wipe my cheek off with a tissue.

When we go downstairs to the hangout room, there are like three joints on the table, two bottles of liquor, a whole bunch of snacks, and the hookah. "This is heaven," I sit in one of the beanbags and so do they. "It really is," Maria lights one.

"How'd therapy go?" Jas asks taking it from Mari. "Fine. It was just an introduction kinda," I take it from her. "I'm here too," Cesar walks in. "Good," he lifts me up so I can sit on his lap. "It was supposed to be a girl's night, Cesar," Mari rolls her eyes.

"I wanna get my new year's kiss or a little more than a kiss," he grips my thigh. "You guys are gross," Mari shivers. For the rest of the night until the countdown we drink and get high. "5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all yell and Cesar picks me up then kisses me.

"I love you!" I kiss him again. "I love you too," he squeezes me then puts me down. "We- we're gonna sleep in your guest room," Jasmine slurs. "Upstairs to the right," I almost fall because we drank two full bottles of the liquor. Cesar was mainly sober, but us... we were fucked up.

"Come on," he picks me up bridal style. "Make love to me. Deep, passionate, love," I put my hand on his cheek, but it slowly falls down. "You got it," he takes me to our room then lays me down and tries taking off my clothes. "No, no. I'm not wearing panties," I giggle causing him to smirk.

He slowly puts himself inside of me and I moan loudly as he goes faster. "HARDER!" I grip onto the sheets as he goes harder. I get on top and start riding him hard. So hard you can hear the bed... "Monse," he groans.

Should've used protection...



~Should've used protection... - akekeke what's gon' happen?👀

~Their therapy session?

~Cesar saying he and Monse can't confess their feelings without arguing?

~"According to her, I've got anxiety and bipolar disorder, PTSD, then anger issues," Thoughts and opinions on that?

~"Sometimes we talk... most of the time we have sex... angry, emotional sex," Thoughts and opinions on that?

~Monse wanting to go to college? **online**

~What do you think was wrong with Rosa?

~Question... do y'all want Monse to have a baby orrr...?

Make sure to VOTE and answer all questions above :)

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