Time| Part 14

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Ima make y'all real mad this chapter hehe

𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔𝐭𝐡-𝐌 𝐨 𝐧 𝐬 𝐞

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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔𝐭𝐡
𝐌 𝐨 𝐧 𝐬 𝐞

Cesar's been a big help since Analia was born, which is surprising given Rosalia's circumstances. He's out doing runs for Spooky, so I'm on my own for the day. "You're not gonna be late, calmate Rosalia," I put the last scoop of formula in the baby's bottle. "Yuh-huh," she crosses her arms.

"You're 5, you can barely tell time, be quiet," I shake the bottle. Rosa recently had a birthday, August 22nd. "Yes, I can. It's eight-one-zero," she kisses her teeth. "Yeah, it's 8:10, school's at 8:20," I roll my eyes. I pick the baby up out of her seat.

"Man, this some bull-" I cut her off, "say it I dare you". I give her a look. "Bullshit," she took it literally. I try to hold in my laugh, "don't say that". "Why? You say it," she says in a duh tone. "That's a word for adults, not kids, hush it," I put the baby in her car seat. "Sowwy," she sighs.

"You're fine. Just don't say it again," I pick up Analia's car seat. "Now, can we go?" she wines. "Yes. Girl, calm down," I hand her, her book bag. I was never that excited to go to school... "Papi's gonna pick you up today," I put the car seat in the car. "Why not you?" she groans.

"Because. I know you don't like him, but get used to him, that's your dad no matter what," I shake my head. I don't like him either, but I gotta get used to him, that's my baby daddy no matter what. "Fine," she climbs into her car seat.

I get in the driver's seat, "you gonna have a good day?". "No," she says out of sarcasm. "Yes, you are. Cause if you don't... mmm I don't even wanna think about that," I drive off. "I don't wanna go," she pouts once we pull up to the school, it's only a 5-minute drive.

"Why? -Mami you were just so excited," I frown taking the keys out of the ignition. "I just don't wanna," she facepalms herself. "Well, you have to. I want you to be a smart girl when you get big like mommy. I'm still in school," I get out of the car then open the car door where the baby is.

"Well, I know what I'm doing," she rolls her eyes taking off her seat belt. "I know, but you still need an education," I take the baby's car seat out. She just groans getting out of the car. I hold her hand as we walk into the office. Gotta sign these papers so Cesar can pick her up.

I didn't have him on there...

She squeezes my hand tightly... she's nervous. I sign the papers so he can get her after school. Rosa basically begged me to walk her to class. "Be good for your teacher, okay? Don't call me unless it's an emergency, Papi's gonna be here at two-three-zero," I tell her, she nods.

"I love you," I grab her chin, leaning down to peck her on the lips. "Love you too, bye baby," she smiles at Analia, then walks into her classroom. My baby's growing up way too fast... I hate it. I go to my car then drive home. "You wanna take a bath?" I say in a baby voice as I carry her upstairs.

She loves water, every day when I give her a bath she cries when I have to take her out. She hasn't been in the pool yet, but I set up the pool yesterday so I can try. She also hates being dirty, like if milk spills from her bottle onto her she flips out.

Or if she spits up I have to change her outfit immediately, Rosa was the same way too, she still is, she hates messes or being in messy places. I grab her an outfit, then set the bath up and put her in. I start to wash her hair, she's just smiling at me the whole time showing off her gums.

"You like that, mamas?" I smile at her, she laughs at me. Her laugh is so adorable. She's such a happy baby, I love that about her. I finish bathing her, she is not happy when I take her out. "It's okay, you're okay," I rock her back and forth softly. I quickly get her dressed so I can feed her.

She finally calms down, when I put the bottle in her mouth. She eventually falls asleep so I put her in the nursery. I hear someone coming up the stairs, maybe it's my mom? My bedroom door opens, it's Cesar? "I thought you were on runs?" I turn my phone off.

He sits on the bed next to me, "I was, one of the homies got hurt so I'm free today". He smirks. "Don't smirk at me," I bite my lip trying to hide my smile. "But you like it," he smirks again. Dimple fever. "Nope," I shake my head. "Really?" he starts to tickle me. "Stop!" I laugh.

"Say you like it," he keeps tickling me. "I don't like it," I say through laughter, but he just tickles me harder. "Okay! Okay! I like it!" I laugh, he stops tickling me. We're staring into each other's eyes... deeply. I lean up and kiss him. He quickly pulls away, "I thought you hated me?".

"How can I hate someone I love?" I say in a whisper. "I love you, Cesar..." I play with the hem of his shirt. "I've loved you forever," he kisses me again. I deepen the kiss until things go further.


"Keep it a secret," I smile closing my eyes as I run my fingers through his hair. "For how long?" he does the same to me. "Until I feel like being honest," I press my lips together. "Whatever you want," he puts his clothes back on. "See ya later," I wave, he walks out waving too.

Regretable things...



~"Because. I know you don't like him, but get used to him, that's your dad no matter what," - Thoughts and Opinions on this?

~Monse and Cesar?

~This was honestly just a filler...

~Who's POV next?

~Make sure to VOTE and answer the questions above <3

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