chapter 10

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Xavier was driving silently while keeping his hand on me and looking at me once in a while. I was sitting like a rock in my seat. I was too afraid to even move. He seems like a bipolar person. Sometimes he talk to me very gently and sometimes his aura becomes murderous.

He kept driving for a while. I want to know where he is taking me but i was too afraid to ask him. I was fidgeting my finger when he said "don't worry, you will love the place where we are going." I looked at him and nodded my head. I reluctantly ask him "how long will it take to reach?"

"Few mins more baby." He replied sweetly while smiling at me. He looked gorgeous with that smile on his face. I wonder why did he even like someone like me? He's good looking. He's a billionaire. He's powerful. And here it's me. Plain looking girl. Not too rich or poor with No family.

He can get any girl he want who would be willing to be with him then why is he forcing me into this. I was too lost in my thought to even notice that we've reached already. He tugged at my hand to get me out of my trance. I looked at him he went outside and came towards my side. He opened the car and held his hand out as usual. I took his hand and we went inside the restaurant.

It was a fancy five star restaurant. We went towards the reception. As soon as the receptionist saw us or i would say "xavier" his eyes went wide and hastily came running towards us. He bow down to us and greeted us with a good evening. I replied him back politely but he only nodded at him.

Xavier started to walk forward dragging me with him. I basically have to run to keep up with his steps. His legs are too long and he walks very fastly. I tried to get my hand out of his hold but he tightened his hold on me more. We stepped inside elevator. When the door closed he slammed me into the wall and came deadly close to me.

He trapped me in between his arms and whispered angrily in my ear "don't ever try to get out of my hold, Grace." He looked calm but i can sense anger in his voice. I didn't want him to hurt me again so i told him honestly "I wasn't... it's just that you walk very fastly so it's hard for me to keep up with you" i said in a small voice.

He laughed and caressed my hair gently. "You should have told me this sooner, baby."  Soon elevator stopped and opened. I was going to step out of it but he carry me bridal style and walked out of elevator. I was embarrassed as hell "please, let me down. I can walk by myself." I whispered quietly.

He smirked at me and said "you don't have to. I like to carry you in my arms. I like to keep you close to me all the time" he said huskily. I know it was useless to argue with him so i shut my mouth and hide my face with my hand. Soon he put me on a chair. I looked around at the restaurant and it was empty. Nobody was here except us.

"I told the staff to clear out rooftop for us. I don't want anyone to disturb us or look at your beauty." He said nonchalantly. I looked at him blankly and nodded my head. I don't know what to say anymore. He's too crazy. I decided to ignore him and enjoy the view. The restaurant was on the top floor and we can see all of the city from above. It looked really pretty.

A waiter came in with menus and wine. He placed the menu in front of both of us and then started to pour wine in the glasses. I don't drink so i told him not to pour wine in my glass instead get me a glass of water. He nodded and went away. Xavier ask me to order something. I started to glance through the menu. All of the dishes were too costly and out of my budget.

I think he might have sensed my uneasiness so he said "Don't worry about the price, just order what you want. I own this restaurant." I nodded my head. That waiter came back with a glass of water and asked us if we were ready to order. Xavier nodded and gave his order. Then he turned to me, i decided to get myself some pasta.

I didn't have an appetite anyway. But if i don't order anything xavier wouldn't let me go home. So i went with pasta. He noted our order and went away. Now both of us were alone. Xavier was staring at me intently. I was getting anxious. I don't like it when someone stares at me. Plus someone like him. He stares at me as if he would eat me alive. His eyes shamelessly roam around my body and face.

I decided to look outside and ignore him. Out of sudden he asked "what was your ex boyfriend's name?" I looked at him in suprise. How does he know about my ex? I don't want to talk to him about this so i lied "i didn't have any boyfriend"

He smirked and got up from his seat. He came towards me and lean into me. I gulped and sticked back to my chair to create some distance between us. But he leaned into me more. "You know, grace. I hate liars. If it was someone else other than you. I would have already pulled their tongue out with my bare hands. He threatened.

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