chapter 20

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"Are you stalking me?" She asked in a disbelief tone.

"I'm not stalking you. I'm just protecting you. I have many enemies who are waiting to find something or someone to get back at me. I can't let anything happen to" he said seriously. His eyes were shining in possessiveness.

She opened her mouth to say something but closed it back. Nothing came out of her mouth after hearing him. It was too much for her to consume. Finally after a brief moment of silence she spoke "y-you are insane!"

. He tilted his head up and smirked at her. " I'm insane and you are making me sane. You're making me feel something that i haven't felt in a long, long time. I'll not ever let you go. Get this in your mind. Gattina." He said with determination in his eyes.

Another series of silence fell between them. Although xavier didn't mind it as he was busy staring at her but grace felt extremely uncomfortable under his piercing gaze and silence.

The waiter came back with their food ending the long awkward silence in between them. He put the dishes in front of them. Grace mumbled a soft "thank you" to the waiter. He gave her a small smile and left them alone to enjoy their meal.

Their small interaction didn't go well with xavier. He was fuming in jealousy but he tried to control himself. He doesn't want her to get too scared of him. They started to eat  in silence. Only clanking of dishes can be heard.

Xavier still kept his eyes on her all the time. She tried to ignore it and eat her food as quickly as she can so that she could leave fast.

Xavier didn't liked how she was trying to ignore him. He wanted her to look at him give her attention to him. He wanted to listen to her sweet voice. He leaned down on the table and asked her "tell me something about yourself."

She was chewing on her pancake when he asked her the question. She looked up at him and swallowed the remaining pancake in her mouth. She took a small sip of her juice and answered in a small tone. "W-what?"

"Tell me about your childhood." He asked curious to know more about her. He couldn't find much details about her childhood.

"My childhood was nice." She answered in one sentence not knowing what to say.

He sighed and got up from his seat and went towards her. He pulled his chair and kept it in front of her chair. He leaned down on his knees with his elbows and looked straight into her eyes making her feel uncomfortable.

"How was your childhood? Did they treat you nicely?" He asked softly caressing her hand which he took it in his own big ones.

She looked down at her lap feeling conscious of his gaze. " aunt treated me like her own child. She was really nice and caring." Grace mumbled softly remembering her aunt.

"What about your uncle?" He asked in an interrogative tone. He found out that her uncle was alcoholic. He spend his days and night at bars or casinos.

She looked up at him in suprise. "He was nice" she lied. She don't want to remember his abuses and his failed attempt of raping her.

"Don't lie to me" xavier replied clenching his jaw in anger. Grace didn't reply. She just continued to look down on her lap.

Xavier grabbed her chin gently making her look at him " tell me, bella." He whispered gently. "H-he was an alcoholic. He used to beat my aunt if she refused to give money to him."

"He didn't do anything to you..did he?" Xavier asked angrily.
"N-no my aunt protected me from him. once she died..i ran away from home.." grace replied telling him half truth. She don't want to tell anyone her sad story. She hated when someone gave her the sympathetic look.

Xavier nodded his head and kissed her on her cheek. He knows she was telling him half of the story but he don't want to push her more than her limits. Not for now.

"Eat" xavier said looking at her half emptied plate. Grace has already lost her appetite after this conversation so she nodded her head in no and said "I'm done".

Xavier sighed and grabbed the fork and knife, cut a piece of pancake and put it in front of her lips urging her to open her mouth. She opened her mouth to say no but he pushed the fork in between her lips not giving her chance to speak up.

She gulped it in suprise and looked at him giving him her deadly glare. He chuckled at her attempt of looking intimidating. She looked like a mad kitten like this. He pecked her lips licking off the maple syrup that has been smeared on her lips from the pancake.

She closed her mouth again in embarassment. He again tried to feed her but this time she held his large hand "i can eat by myself" she said taking the fork off of his hands.

He felt tingles in his heart when she held his hand on her own. Her hand felt so soft so smooth against his rough calloused hand. He never thought that such simple gesture as holding hands would give him tingles.

She continued to eat feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. He was right beside her gawking at her shamelessly. "C-can you stop looking at me like that" she spoke up.

"No" was his one word reply. She sighed and gulped down everything fastly.

The waiter came back at the right time as she just finished her food. He asked if they want anything else to which xavier replied no.

"Have a nice day sir and ma'am." He said smiling. Grace returned his gesture and replied "thanks and you too". Xavier clenched his jaw and grabbed her arm making his way towards exit.

He slammed her onto the car seat. Grace was surprised at his sudden change of behaviour. He was being so gentle now and all of a sudden he came back to his old scary self. He came in and slammed the door shut Making her jump in her seat.

"Why did you smiled at him? Not once but twice. Do you like that bastard?" He asked in angst.

"W-what?" She didn't understand what he's saying.

He frustratingly grabbed her jaw and made her look at him "you wouldn't ever smile or look towards other men. You're not allowed to talk to anyone else but me only." He said losing his mind in anger.

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