Chapter 39

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Maddie's POV

We were on the car heading up the mountain. I couldn't concentrate, I was desperately looking all over the forest trying to find a sign that could show us a hint on were Hanna was. I was already missing her. We were in the middle of the forest when, suddenly, the car stopped. "What happens?!" I almost yelled. "Let me check, babe" said Ross while getting off the car.

"It broke down" I heard him say "I don't know if I can fix it" announced Riker joining him. "What about Hanna?!" I shouted. "I'll help you search her" offered Ryland. "Ok, Ryland and Maddie try to find Hanna while me and Ross try to fix the car" said Riker organizing everything and everyone as always. "Got it" I started walking, going through the forest.

"Where do you think she can be?" asked Ryland as we kept walking forward, he was behind of me as he was so slow. "If I knew, I'd go directly there" I exclaimed. He walked faster to catch up with me. "You know, you're hot" said Ryland. "Wait what?" I turned around to face him. He got closer and grabbed my butt. I started walking again, a little awkwardly. He followed me "Maddie" I ignored him.

He grabbed my arm. "What" I said with my famous pokerface. He crashed my lips into mine without warning. "Guys we fixed the.." Ross was there. I quickly pushed Ryland away, I didn't even kiss back. "It isn't what it seems" I tried to explain, but Ross had already walked away. "Damn Ryland!" I hit him and ran towards Ross. "ouch" Ryland mumbled while walking behind me.

"No!" Riker had thrown his phone to the ground by the time I got to where he was. "What happened?!" I asked confused. "Read" Riker picked up the phone and showed it to me. A message. From Hanna.

Hi Riker!
So I've decided to leave you and stay with Justin, because he's the most wonderful man in the world(: I'm alright here in the no-forest house so don't come and save me because I'm not having the worst time of my life. Thank you.

"What the fuck" I exclaimed when I finished reading. "Maddie, you're a girl, does that mean she's breaking up with me?" I could perfectly his eyes starting to tear up. "Of course not! This is obviously one of Justin's tricks to keep us away! That means Hanna is in the forest, she needs us to save her and she's having the worst time of her life!" I realized.

"Let's go then!" Said Riker getting in the car again. Ross looked at me with an angry, also sad, look and stepped in the car. We searched and searched. We couldn't find her. I was getting more and more nervous. "It's already midnight" Riker looked so tired. "We'll continue searching tomorrow morning" he continued. "Ok" said Ross, he shut his eyes down and immediately fell asleep. He was so fast.

"I'll continue searching, you can get some sleep" I said while going away. "I'll go with you! Wait!" Yelled Ryland. He was about to come when Ross grabbed him. "You're staying here" He had instinctively woken up. I ignored both of them and made my way through the dark vegetation.

Hanna's POV

I was trying to fall asleep when I heard a noise. It was scaring me. "Stupid tree" I heard a voice say. That voice was familiar. "Maddie!" I shouted as loud as I could. "Maddie, Maddie, I'm here!" I was still handcuffed. "Hanna?!" I saw her brunette hair, she was jumping to look through the window. She stopped jumping. "I'll get in" she moved ahead and got ready to enter.

Maddie's POV

The door was unlocked, weird. I got in without making a noise and tried to find Hanna's room. And I did. "Hanna!" I ran to her and took off the handcuffs so I could hug her while crying. "It's ok Maddie, keep calm" she comforted me. I should had been the one doing it, but I liked her warm hugs. "Let's get out of here" I said willing to escape. I bumped into someone at the door.

"Oh I'm so happy to see you again, Madison" said Justin. "Motherfucker, let us go away" He was getting on my nerves again. "At midnight? Nope, two girls can't go alone at midnight" he went out of the room, locking us inside.

(Sorry for mistakes)

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