Chaper 4

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"Well done Clara!" I said but she wasn't done. "I also heard the boss is super HOT!"
"Clara please, it's to early for this kind of things."
"Oh come on Arlena loosen up a little, will you always be like this? You can't live your life with only one night stands." The conversation had turned in a wrong way. I was not ready for this.

"Clara don't worry about me I'm fine."
I heard Clara sigh at the other end of the phone.
"Fine, you know I love you?"
"Yes I know Clara. I love you too"

I hung up.

It has been a few hours since the call with Clara. I've been working in my office, while doing so I found out the Italian's are in Albania currently, so the meeting will be today. I'm currently staying in Albania because of my mother. She hasn't been good recently.

Some of my men are watching over my hotels and clubs in New York, where I actually live.
As I looked down at my watch I saw the Italian's where 5minutes late. Just then someone knocked on my door. "Come in" I said. Some of my men came in and said. " Boss the Italian's are here"

"Let them in" I said. After a few seconds the door opens once again to reveal the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He was wearing a black suit, he was tall maybe 6'4 foot, his dark brown hair was gelled back but not so much that it looked sticky just enough, he had a sharp jawline, and as he came closer I could have a better look at his eyes and when I tell you my jaw dropped, he had beautiful grey eyes that where staring right at me.

A smirk appeared on his face as he looked at me.
"Hello, Mrs. Esposito sorry to make you wait. We had a little accident." He said with his deep masculine voice. Oh my-
Even his voice sounded attractive.

A smirk appeared on my face as well. "Mr. D 'Angelo i don't like waiting on people but you made it."

His POV:
As she went back behind her desk I couldn't help but look at her ass. She had a red suit on and black heel. Why didn't I never knew about her. I did know her father, when I tell you I hated that motherfucker. Don't get me wrong the Albanian mafia and the Italian mafia where always good as allies but that fucker was fake as fuck.

I knew he had a daughter but he never really talked about her so I assumed she was still a child but yet here I am sitting in front of this beautiful woman. She had a high ponytail and her eyes where a shade of green.

But we are here to speak business, the Russians have stolen from me. I don't even know why they would start something they can't end. I didn't realize it that I was staring at her too much until she said " Mr D 'Angelo I know I'm very breathtaking but we are here to discuss business. Let me get right to the point, the Russians stole from me and from you obviously so we have to get to that fucker before this gets to far. Because believe it or not I have a lot of stuff to do and I do not wish to spend my time on this."

As she finished of I had a smirk on my face. "Mrs.Esposito I myself don't have time for this as well so what is your plan." I asked. She started bitting her bottom lip wich made my eyes dart toward her lips. She looked deep In thought. She looked up at me and it looked like she knew what was right to do.

"Boys let Mr. D 'Angelo discuss thing more privately." She said in a demanding tone. I waved my hand to my men and they steeped out as well. It was now me and her, in her office. She was looking at me a bit to long so I decided to use her own sentence against her.

"Mrs. Esposito I know I'm very breathtaking but staring isn't nice."
"Mr. D 'Angelo let's not get ahead of ourselves now. I have a plan that I think could work. Since that fucker stole from the both of us I think we must do a bigger shipment. But there is a problem, that fucker is hiding and he was last seen in Italy, well to be more specific in Sicily."

"So you will be going to Italy?"
"Yes, not just me but you as well if we are going to do this together."
"Well mrs. Esposito it would enlighten my day to see you every day." She stood up and walked toward me.

She bend down and I looked at her. I know what she was trying to do but it will not work. "Mr. D 'Angelo it would be a displeasure to see you every day." She was provoking me. She bend a bit more down so I could have a better look at her boobs and my eyes betrayed me as I looked at her boobs.

"Cazzo" (fuck) i mumbled. She put her finger under my chin and lifted my head so I was looking at her again. "If you don't have anything more to say I think our plan will work." She stretched out her hand and I took it in to mine. Instead of shaking it I kissed it and said "Till we see each other again"

Her POV:

After my meeting with D 'Angelo I went back to work a while later Clara came and i told her about the plan and since then she has been in my office talking about some stuff. This whole time I couldn't stop thinking about those grey eyes.

As I zoned out I suddenly saw a hand right i front of my face. "Hello, earth on Arlena are you listening?" Clara said.
"Yes Clara I am" I told her
"No your not! What are you thinking about? omg wait I know. YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT THE ITALIEN MAFIA BOSS" how the fuck-

My eyes widened "Clara no I wasn't and he wasn't that hot. He was old and not my type"

A lie.
Hush. "Arlena come one I've been your best friend since we where born. I know when you are lying"

"Okay, We need a house in Sicily. We are leaving in one week." With that information she left.

I was now standing in front of the mansion my mother was staying. Out of nowhere I got nervous.

This was my second childhood home my so called father was staying in my first childhood house

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This was my second childhood home my so called father was staying in my first childhood house. I let him stay there cause I still need him for some business and when I know enough I will simply kill that fucker.

I walked to the entrance and some of my men where staying in front of the house they let me in. I decided to speak with the doctor first before I visited my mother. As I started making my way upstairs Lara one of the maid came toward me. She was one of the mares since I was three years old so she is like a second mother figure to me.

"Oh my, Arlena how have you been?" She asked as she hugged me. " I'm good, how have you been?" She gave me a small smile and said "I'm doing great. Did you came to visit your mother?" She asked. I nodded.

"I wanted to speak with the doctor first to know how she is."
"Okay honey, then I wish you well."

As I made my way upstairs the doctor was coming out of my mothers room. "Hello Mrs. Esposito how have you been?" Why the fuck does everyone want to know how I have been. "I've been fine. How's my mother?"

"Your mother is doing ok. She hasn't that much strength and she is getting weaker by the day." As she finished of i felt my anger coming. I just pushed it down. "Mrs. Miller is there nothing we can do?" I asked. "I'm afraid there isn't."

"We'll try to find a way!" I demanded.
"I will mrs. Esposito. Have a nice day." And she left. I made my way to my mothers room and stood in front of it.

Well here we go.

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