Chapter 9

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His POV:

I woke up. I think the jet just landed, Arlena was still sleeping in my arms. I know when she wakes up she'll act like nothing happened. Honestly she's like me but I'm different with her. I don't know why but she has something that attracts me towards her. As I looked down at her she was still sleeping.

She was still not looking relaxed. Her friend told me a bit about her. She told me that Arlena was constantly working and that she had to drag her to have some fun. Honestly Arlena was pretty good at acting that she is doing fine but I can see through her. I saw that a few hours ago something was bothering her.

Something is definitely bothering her but I doubt it she will tell me what it is. "Stop staring" she suddenly said. Her eyes where still closed, I chuckled and she opened her eyes again. "We landed, let's get out!"

She nodded and got up. As we got out my jet had already landed. Some of my men where standing in front of my jet and some of her men where standing in front of her jet. "Boss, your friend left with a man a few minutes ago" one of her men told her. She looked back at me and I smirked at her, "tell your friend to keep his hands off my friend" she told me.

"Tell your friend to keep her hands off my friend" she narrowed her eyes at me and I just looked at her. Heath was really getting on my nerves. He and Clara meet at my party since then he hasn't stop talking about her. As I looked back at Arlena she was in a black Jeep "Are you coming or do you want to walk?" I could easily get a car but why not stay a bit more with her.

"Liam, go check on the house and Heath and I will be there" he nodded and told my men to follow him. Liam was a capo and Heath was my second in command. So he could be trusted. I got in the car and she drove off. I was looking at her, she must have noticed cause she smirked and gave me side glance. " You know staring is rude" she commented.

"I can do what ever I want and I want to look at you" we now drove in the woods, "Got something on Leonid?" She asked. "My men are still looking but as you know he was last here in Sicily" she nodded.

After we drove for more ten minutes we stopped in front of a black house. I must admit she has taste.

She got out of the car and I saw my car parked in the garage

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She got out of the car and I saw my car parked in the garage. She walked to the front door and opened it. She walked to the kitchen and Clara and Heath where there. Heath looked at me and smirked.

Arlena and Clara left the kitchen I think to talk in private. "Hey man!" Heath said.
"You didn't tell me you where going to fly with the other jet"

"Emiliano I saw her and you know I kind of had to talk to her."

"How did it go?" I said.

"Nothing happened we just talked, I was to scared to do anything" I raised my eyebrow, and laughed.

"You where what! Hah,Heath Matteo Franco, scared to do something."

"Emiliano shut up! Besides did you have the balls to do something?" I coughed awkwardly.

"That's what I thought" before I could respond we heard a loud noise. We went to the living room to see Arlena and Clara pointing guns at each other.

Heath and I glanced at each other and we both knew what we needed to do. We got in front of the crazy woman and I looked at Arlena the gun was pointing at me right now. "Get the fuck out off my way!" She said looking at me.

Heath was dragging Clara out of the room she was threatening Heath as well but he seemed to not care. As I looked back at Arlena the gun was down and she was smirk at me.

"Was i good?" She asked.

"Good at what?"

"It was a joke. Did you and your friend really think we would shoot each other? We where having a little fun"
She was really fucking good at this.

I leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear "Adalieah stop fucking playing games with me" I saw goosebumps erupt on her skin. She leaned more in to me and whispered "Why should I? It's way too fun"

I swear I felt all the blood from my body rush to my dick. She noticed and looked down and smirked. "Now get the fuck out of my house."

I stepped back and looked at her again "Tell Clara to bring Heath back."
"Clara stop making out with our guests and get him to my friend here"

Her calling me 'friend' sounded so bitter. Heath came back to the living room, he had the biggest grin on his face. He looked at me and nodded I went toward the entrance and opened the front door.

Suddenly my phone rang it was Leam, I put the phone on my ear and said "what"
"Boss we have a problem"

Heath and I got to the warehouse, Liam told me he found out that an attack was planned here so we had to prepare. We got out of the car and I saw Liam and some of my man.

Suddenly I saw a man with a black gun pointing right at me. "GET DOWN" I grabbed my gun and shot the person.
There where more shots, my men shot started shooting.

As I looked to my right I saw a fucker pointing a gun at Heath. I shot him in the leg making him fall to the ground. "Liam go get that fucker and keep him alive"

We stopped shooting when we realized there where no more man standing. Now let's find out who attacked me.

I was in the basement, trying to find out who attacked us Liam told me they go a warning before it happened that's when he called me and told me.

I punched the man in front of me. "Tell me who the fuck send you" I had been here for half an hour beating this fucker up.

The only thing I found out was his name. I know he is from the Russians but I need to be sure. "You know who send me, but I have nothing to tell you."

I pushed him across his face "Tell me what the fuck does you boss want?"

"I don't know much but the only thing I know is that he wants you dead."

Does this fucker really think I don't know. I grabbed the knife and sliced his neck open but not to deep to kill him. I grabbed my lighter and lit him up. After watching him being on fire I threw cold water on him making the fire stop.

I once again sliced his neck making him drop dead.

As I looked down at myself I saw I had some blood on me. I got out of the cell and Heath was waiting "get that shit cleaned"

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