Chapter 38

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"THE ENGAGED COUPLE HAS FINALLY ARRIVED" Vincenzo shouted the moment we entered the house. I was almost shocked from how loud his voice could get, he came running towards me, with open arms to hug me.

I just stood there, like a fool. "You still haven't changed you mind? Do you really want to marry this old fuck, while you can marry me?" He whispered in my ear so Grey couldn't hear.

"What can I say, I love him"  he groaned In disapproval, he got ripped away from me, I felt another person hug me. "Really, I thought you loved me!" Angelo said in a fake dramatic tone.

I kept myself from laughing at him. "Ugh, you know he's rich, I kinda had too" I replied with the same dramatic tone. "Bullshit, you are richer than him"

I smirked, "I know" we broke the hug as Grey told him to not touch me for that long. I rolled my eyes at him. Obsessed motherfucker.

"Of course I'm obsessed with you, you belong too me, how could I not?" Wait did I say that out loud? What the fuck. 

"You know, you're my bitch" I said grinning from ear to ear, like an idiot.

He rubbed his face, trying to hide his smile. "I know" he agreed.

"Come, let's go change." He said. I nodded at him and we walked towards the second floor. Towards his apartment. It still sounds weird, having an apartment in a castle but I guess privacy comes always first.

We got inside, since it was our last day here I decided to go with a black top and some black sweatpants that I stole from Grey. They don't fit but there are strings, so I make them fit. Pretty comfortable, Grey wore a white shirt with some grey sweatpants and his golden necklace.

God, why do you do this to me? My body is full of marks, I don't want to duck him right now, even though he looks so good. I barely covered my hickeys on my neck, they where such a dark shade. I looked in the mirror and saw all the hand prints on my haust and hips, I groaned as I realized I had to wear hoodie.

I went to his closet and chooses a black Louis Vuitton hoodie, every thing that I wear that's from him feels like it's a blanket.

It was dinner, we where all sitting down, and eating.

Yes, because it's called dinner.

Shut up, Grey's father was missing, the whole day I didn't see him. Honestly that's a good thing for me since, I didn't have the time to argue with him. They family seemed more than happy, they where chatting and just being happy.

Sofia was sitting on my lap, while I was feeding her, the whole time she's been staring at my ring, when I asked her why she's looking at it for so long, she said because it's beautiful and it blings.

Clara and Heath, left a day before we came back. They wanted to check up on the baby and they where planning their wedding. She called me to congratulate me, well everyone knew about the engagement.

Now I know why they where looking at me like that.

"Do you want me to take her?" Maria asked.

I shook my head at her, "No it's fine, she isn't bothering." I said.

She smiled at me, "You're going to make such a beautiful Donna, and queen. Everyone already fears you, now their fear you both." She added.

I liked being called a Donna or a queen, it makes me feel powerful. "Thank you"


"Goodbye everyone, it was nice meeting everyone, we'll visit as soon as possible." I said.

Sofia came running to me, with tears in her eyes. "Adena, you leavin?" She asked.

She looked up at me with those beautiful big grey eyes of her. God, how can I answer that to such a cute thing.

"Sì principessa, ma tornerò.  Devo andare a lavorare con tuo fratello e tenerlo sotto controllo.  se fa qualcosa di male, te lo mando, poi puoi punirlo, va bene?" (Yes princess, but I'll come back. I need to go to work with your brother and too keep him in check. If he does something bad, I will send him to you, than you can punish him, alright?)

She giggled at me.

Only if she knew what kind of punishment you give her brother, you slut.

That took a dark turn real quick, she nodded at me. "Va bene, lo schiaffeggerò" (okay, I'll slap him) she said as she wiped her tears.

I let her go and made my way back to the car.

We drove to the airport to my jet.

New York here we are coming, again.

The jet finally landed, it was a long flight, from Sicily too New York, it was already evening, luckily Gabriel was here and checked on the shipments.

Grey and I slept and talked on the flight, we talked about our mistakes what we would have done differently in our life's.

How we lost our virginity, was my question. He lost it at the age of 14 and I lost it at the age of 16. I know, I know interesting ages, but what can I say, two horny teenagers.

This will be a long night, tonight we will kill Leonid, or we won't. We'll just see how it goes, maybe we will just break his bones and leave it, or we'll kill him.

I think option number one sounds more relaxing to me. For my father will be of course the same treatment.

We came to a stop in front of my most securities house in New York. The best treatment only for the best men.

We walked in the warehouse, our heads held high, everyone nodded at me out of respect. As we where in front of their cell we looked at each other and smirked, we entered the cell.

The smell of blood instantly hitting my nose. There where they, chined up to the wall, they have been beaten up, Leonid still with the shots that I put in him, my father laying there unconscious.

I walked towards the wall and pushed a button, I gave the code and six tour turning tables came out of the walls, there where everything from knives to fire guns, crocodile shears, to all different kid of saws, guns and liquids, we had poison from different animals all around the world for a slow painful death, we have the poison from the fierce snake, it's the most toxic venom in the world.

Or the spitting cobra, she spits her venom in your eyes and they start to burn and in matter of seconds you'll be blind for the rest of you miserable life. So wich should we start, I think we should start with our fists.

Since they are unconscious we have to throw ice cold water on top of them, "Zemer, let's get the cold water"

He smirked at me. "Of course, amore"

Let the fun begin.

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