Personal Bubble

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3. Personal Bubble


Tomoe maoned and let his school bag slip off his shoulder and into the hallway. He was tired and he had a right to be. He was up late last night and now he was studying in a new term. You'd think he could get a break of some sort.

"TOMOE! get you bag out of the hallway!" Mikage scolded and watched Tomoe grab the bag and throw it into his room.

The white fox stomped in his room and flopped on the bed; letting his body pain ebb away at the softness of the mattress. It was nice... Until a certain brunnetter headed girl hopped on the bed and nearly on top of him as well.

Tomoe looked up and grunted as Nanami sat on him; It was another position that they didn't see to be wrong. They were friends after all; but..

They were older and Tomoe wished she would at least wear something other than a skirt when she sat on him like this.

"How was school?" She chimed with bright eyes and Tomoe moaned.

"Painful and irritating. Now get off." The fox shoved her off and she plopped back on his bed with a Oof! He rolled his eyes and then closed them to fall asleep as he desired.

Sadly Nanami kept talking,

"How is Everybody!?"

Tomoe looked at her and propped his head in his hand, " They are fine, Mizuki asked about you and so did that Senior. Um.. " He thought for a moment, Hoping to get Nanami to scream at him in a teasing manner. " I believe it was.. Jiru?"

Nanami glared at him and wacked him on the head; Tomoe, of course, Chuckled and laid back. Jiru confessed to Nanami not to long ago; but she turned him down and said she wasn't ready for relationships.

Tomoe was kind of proud of the decision. Nanami wasn't ready for things like that; She acted like a child all the time and he wondered if she would ever grow up. He mused with this idea and Nanami waved a hand in front of his face.

"Earth to Tomoe.."

The fox blinked and then looked at her blankly, " What is it?"

Nanami's eyes sparkled with excitment and Tomoe wondered what it could be this time. She was always doing something odd or saying something absolutely out of place. She was covered in bruises and he couldn't help but feel his stomach turn with pain.

"Lets watch a movie! Mom's at Work and Your dad is out doing prayers!"

Tomoe was abou tot say no but the ook on her face made him freeze up. She was so excited and probably didn't want to be alone after getting beat by someone she trusted.

"Fine.. He growled out and Nanami giggled happily. She gripped his hand and pulled him out the door.

They finally sat down on the couch in the living room and Nanami squeeled with happiness. She pushed the play button and the movie started right up. Tomoe rolled his eyes and slumped down in the couch, not wanting to really watch anything. He was tired!

He also noticed how Nanami kept glancing at him every once in a while. Finally he couldn't take it and he jerked his head her way, " What?"

She blinked and leaned towards him. He paused...

"What?" He asked again and his back pressed agaisnt the couches arm. Nanami poked his face and he blinked in confusion.

"Does your cuts hurt?" Nanami pouted out.

Tomoe glared at her and sighed, " They are fine.. Now get your hands off my face."

Nanami shook her head as if to say 'No' then she rubbed a mark and Tomoe rolled his eyes.

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