Ear Touching and Confused Kisses

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( I had help with this chapter from my dear friend, Actriztercaantiro. She came up with the main idea for this Chapter! XD )


30. Ear Touching And Confused Kisses


Tomoe sighed as he ran water over his arms. His scars were healing quite well and his hands were clearing from all the pain he gave himself. Now he had a rubber band that he used quiet often.

It stung and caused swelling but it didn't scar him or damage him. So he was fine for now. The fox dried his hands and turned around only to dee his father walking into the kitchen.

Tomoe looked at him and then dipped his head before he walked of the kitchen. That man didn't even deserve that; but he was still his father.. Even though at the moment he didn't want him to be.

But he wasn't going to focus on his wishes right now; he was going out with Mizuki, Kurama and Nanami to a movie. Somewhere far away from home and out of his father's hair. The man was probably to busy for him anyway.

The kitsune walked towards the door and waited for Nanami. She was running towards him in a soft and cute dress. Her eyes were shining as his pig tails bounced up and down as she ran.

"Tomoe! Wait up!"

The fox sighed, " Blockhead.. I am." He waited as she ran down the stairs and approached him. She smiled brightly in all her innocence and she turned towards the door as Tomoe's tail whipped back and forth.

"ON WARD!" She screamed in a goofy manner. Tomoe nearly ran a hand through his hair in embarrassment. Nanami was always like this; but then again he was always the opposite in these matters.

The fox opened the door and walked out into the crisp air. He shivered but once they walked into the sun everything warmed up. The fox had decided to wear a short sleeved shirt and jacket.

He looked at Nanami and blinked. She was wearing a yellow dress with a big white sweater. It hug off the ends of her hands and her hair was tied into pig tails. She looked at him and smiled. The foxes eyes widened as he looked ahead and tried to keep his focus on the path.

His hormones still weren't settled down so he had to just breath and keep walking. They walked in silence until Nanami tripped. She fell on the ground in front of Tomoe and the fox looked down. He kneeled down quickly.

"Are you alright, Nanami?" His eyes looked at her and seemed to travel over her for bruises or scrapes. The girl just shook her head and put on a determined look.

"I am fine!" She giggled and hopped up, Almost head butting Tomoe. His ears flattened and Nanami starts to giggle lightly. She reached up and tugged on his ear making Tomoe freeze up.

The girl smiled brightly and then let go as she walked forward.

Tomoe stared at her as she walked away and slowly touched his ear as his face burned. She had to stop that..

'Or do it some more.'

Tomoe blinked and swore at himself. He needed to think straight; he had to. Why on earth would these type of thoughts be deluding him? He breathed out and tried to calm himself down until they reached the theatre.

Mizuki was standing there aving his arms about while Kurama was rolled his eyes and urging everyone to hurry up. When Tomoe finally caught up to Nanami he glanced at Mizuki and Kurama a bit confused.

Thats when Mizuki hugged him harshly, " DON'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT US AGAIN!"

Tomoe blinked and looked at Nanami confused. She didn't tell them that he... Did she? She looked at him and shook her head indicating that she did no such thing. He looked at Kurama and the crow sighed,

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