Um, Trouble?

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14. Um...


Mikage had just unlocked the door when he heard soft sighs and a few mumbles. He paused... The hair on the back of his neck stood on end and Gwen looked at him confused. The father gave her a weak smile before openeding the door all the way and stepping into the parlor.

Once they were inside they both walked into the living room to witness something surprising indeed.

Tomoe and Nanami were sitting on the couch ( Sitting! No dirty thoughts please -_- ) The foxes back was to them and he appeared to be.. Um...

Kissing Nanami?

They heard a soft sigh before Gwen dropped the house keys in the floor and gasped while Mikage got embarrassed at his own sons conduct. He only left for three hours.. The god got excited and ticked off. He always thought they would be a cute couple but Mikage had a wierd feeling that they weren't kissing because they liked each other.

Nanami hands were on his sons ears afterall.

Tomoe suddenly froze when he heard Gwen's gasp. He looked at them and accidently fell off the couch backwards. He looked up at them with wide eyes; He covered his mouth and started to blush brightly.

Probably because his dad just had to witness his first ever, 'Make Out Session'

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!?" Mikage spat out quickly.

Tomoe seemed to go from pink to pale; Nanami had a shocked look on her face and Tomoe's ears pinned down harshly, his body trembled as Mikage sent him a death glare.

Oh Crap..


" MIND EXPLAINING WHY YOUR TONGUE WAS DOWN NANAMI'S THROAT!?" Mikage screeched as he sat down at the kitchen table with Tomoe.

The foxes ears pinned and he blushed; he looked down and gulped harshly. Mikage waited for an answer why Tomoe tried to recompose himself..

The teen finally looked at him and opened his mouth, ' I..Um.." The fox tugged at his ear an dMikage furrowed his brow. The kitsune looked like he was somewhere else completely. Th egod suddenly had a strange feeling..

"Did she touch your ears again?" He asked, His voice going quieter.

The fox tinged pink and looked away from his father, obviously embarrassed, " Yes.." His voice was like whisper and Mkage leaned back in his seat. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and sighed loudly.


Tomoe's head jerked his way and he opened his mouth, " I lost all control! Its not like I wanted to kiss her! She's my friend! I feel sick with myself..." The fox shuddered and squirmed in his seat.

Mikage sighed, He was a bit disapointed but also releived that he didn't have to worry about Tomoe and females. He sighed loudly and th efox looked at him unsure.

"I am not proud of what I saw, Tomoe." He sighed, " Control yourself more."

Tomoe blushed and looked down, ' F-Fine.." He muttered quietly and Mikage smiled lightly. His son was growing so fast.. The god even wondered if that was Tomoe first kiss. He wasn't sure but Tomoe seemed to be a fine young man.

He just needed a little more self control; and a tutor for English class. Mikage chuckled at his own thoughts and sighed loudly.


Tomoe looked at him confused and a little embarrassed, " W-What?"

Gosh, He was still breathless form the kiss and the stress that it brought. He didn't thin khe would kiss Nanami like that, It wasn't like him.. She was his troubled friend and he just stuck his tongue down her fragil throat. Yep..

Total Pervert.

Tomoe shifted in his seat and couched. Mikage looked at him and sighed, " Remember what I said young man." He expression turned serious, " She has been your friend since you were small.. Do you?"

Tomoe suddenly growled and stood up quickly, " NO! She's my friend! Gosh Dad!" He fumed and clenched his clawed hands. The bond god smiled and waved it off.

"I know, I know. Relax. I know you don't like romance and you think its a waste of time. You already told me so many times before.."

Tomoe ground his teeth and stormed out of the kitchen. He saw Gwen and then stopped. He chewed his lip.. He was caught kissing her daughter.

"I.." He paused and then bowed slightly, " Sorry." Tomoe muttered not expecting much. The woman only smiled and patted his head lightly,

"I heard your conversation with your father, Its okay.." She walked past him into the kitchen and he could of sworn he heard the two adults screech with happy call. He arched his brow and turned to see Nanami.

He didn't know why but.. He was nervous. To look her in the eye even after that? It was going to be hard; especeailly giving how awkward the situation was.

He swallowed but was shocked when Nanami looked up and smiled lightly.


He nodded slowly, " I didn't want too-"

"I know." She cut him off and smiled brightly, He didn't get how carefree she was. His eyes widened as she walked up to him and rocked on her heels.

" I didn't want to kiss you either! But at least we can say we did it right?" She smiled like a little kid, " Besides! Your my Best Friend Tomoe.." Nanami smiled at him and Tomoe swallowed.

"That is true; So it never happened?" He smirked and held out his hand.

The girl looked at it and hesitately shook it, " It never happened.."

Tomoe felt his whole being relax. He was SO relieved right now! He thought he was going to loose his best friend just because of a slip up. He breathed in and sighed.

This was for the best, She would always be his best friend. Always.. There was no one else that could take that away; but He didn't want to kiss her and things like that..

Althought lately he had found her mouth quite interesting, and he could still taste her...

He paused, shaking his thoughts off and throwing them away to be delt with later. He was okay now.

Nanami looked at him and laughed like a child, she was so innocent, and she let it slide so quickly. Tomoe was happy to have a friend that didn't look at his slip ups and make it out like he was a monster.

She knew he had a few weaknesses and she didn't hate him if he made a mistake. This made him relax on the inside..

He sighed out and Nanami started to laugh, " You looked like your were going to die!" She burst out laughing and Tomoe watched her..

She was really acting like it didn't happen..

He breathed out relieved once again..

But his relief was short lived when the car alram outside went off and all you heard was shattering glass...

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