You Look Like Her!

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41. You Look Like Her!


( If you see this Chapter? Read the One-Shot I did for Twisting Friendship before you proceed! Thank you! XD )


Tomoe turned the page in his book and sighed. He was tire but anybody would be if they had to clean the house in one day. Plus the house was rather large and Mikage had went to the supermart with Gwen. Tomoe ground his teeth..

Why was it that the man would always leave the house and him alone? Tomoe rolled his teeth as he closed his book and yawned; It was one of those days that didn't make sense.. There was also the fact that Kurama was taking him, Nanami and Mizuki to a party.

A party which Mikage didn't know about..

Tomoe chewed his nail as an uneasy feeling went to the pit of his stomach; he had never been to a party before but Kurama said it should be a good one. His ears flattened; he wasn't god at talking to people or anything like that but he was going anyway..

Not that he wanted to.

The fox rolled off his bed and looked around for something to wear; nothing seemed to please him so he put on a t-shirt and then pulled on his grey jacket. It covered his healed wrists and he also decided on black converse. He tied the laces and then ran down stairs to see Nanami wearing a little get up.

She was rocking back and forth on her heels and Tomoe arched his brow at her modest and yet childish outfit. A little red fluffy shirt with to the knee jeans like shorts. She wore black flats and in a way it reminded him of when he first ever met her. He sighed as Nanami looked at him and smiled.

" Kurama is here, Slowpoke!" She stuck out her tongue and Tomoe found himself adverting his eyes away from Nanami's mouth. Crap, He didn't feel well for some reason. The girl ran out to the car and hopped into the backseat with Tomoe.

Kurama smiled, " Hey guys! Ready to party?"

Nanami giggled and nodded but again Tomoe felt something sink into his stomach like deadweight. Something wasn't right.. in fact it was makin ghim feel sick. He swallowed and then looked around before Kurama looked at them through the mirror.

"I want you on one side and Nanami on the other. I don't want any make-out sessions going on." He fake gagged as Tomoe glared and bared his teeth. Nanami rolled her eyes and stared out the window..

The fox sunk down in the seat and watched the scenery pass bye; he winced.. He felt sick to the stomach.. And he didn't know why.


Banging music and teens. Thats all he saw and it made him want to leave. Right then and there.. Tomoe winced as they walked into the rather large house and almost got tackled. The parents weren't home.. it was obvious..

The fox felt uneasy seep into him and he watched people run around and dance in dirty ways. He gagged slightly as Kurama frowned. This wasn't the type of party he was told it was going to be. He narrowed his eye and saw Tomoe tense up. Even Nanami looked dumbstruck.

Tomoe looked around and almost everywhere you looked you saw Teens kissing like maniacs and trading spit with each other. It would have grossed him out if it didn't remind him of some of his own kisses with Nanami..

So thats what it looked like when he and Nanami did that.

His ears flattened as he looked down at the tile; hoping not to see anything else. Nanami did the same and Kurama felt guilty. He should have looked up how this was really going to be... Even Mizuki was freaking out. Some girls were trying to flirt with him and they weren't being bashful.

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