And Then It Made Sense

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15. And Then It Made Sense


Tomoe's ear perked, and his blood ran cold rather quickly. His tail flicked about and Nanami looked at him confused.

"Did you hear that?" He questioned with little to no emotion on his pale but beautiful face.

Nanami shook her head back and forth and Tomoe sighed out in annoyance. Then the car alarm started to blare louder making Tomoe's ear ache proceed to his head. The sound echoed throughout his being and he winced.

"Stay here.." Tomoe muttered and pulled on a jacket over his T-shirt. He walked out the double doors of their white house and blinked.

It was cold that was for sure, but thats not what made him flare up in anger. There beside his dads car was Nanami's dad.

He was chugging a bear in one hand and holding a baseball bat in the other. The windows of his dads car was burst out and prayers were laying all over the ground.

Tomoe hissed, His eyes slitting in absolute anger. He bared his teeth as the man looked at him with blurry vision.

"You!" He sqeaked, " I never, Liked you !" He slurred.

He lifted his bat but Tomoe didn't flinch. The fox stood there; staring the man down with his vivid violet eyes.

"You! Are a Yokai!" He cackled and staggered towards Tomoe.

The white haired fox glared at him and even though the man was a few feet away he could smell the nasty and disgusting alcohol in his breath. The man stepped forward and swore.

"I'll beat the crap out of you kid! Always making my daughter laugh... EVEN WHEN YOUR A DEMON!" He lifted his bat with a heavy arm and Tomoe closed his eyes.

He would not bow down to someone like this; someone who wasn't thinking straight. Tomoe didn't like Nanami's father, but he would never use his fox-fire against him. He respected his best friend far to much.

But when Tomoe didn't feel the bat he opened his eyes and stared at the man confused, The drunkard's eyes were wide with fear and this made Tomoe arch his brow.

Then he heard a rather loud, 'Click' Behind him. Tomoe's eyes widened as he turned and saw his father with a pistol pointed at the mans head.

"Get Out, " Mikage seethed and pulled Tomoe back behind him, " You hurt to many people; And if you touch my little boy again? I'll kill you.."

The foxes eyes grew wide with shock the staggering man dropped his bat. Gwen hugged Tomoe and started to look for wounds as Mikage cocked the gun again.

"Leave, Now." He hissed out.

The man slowly turned around and walked down the sidewalk. Once he was out of sight Mikage dropped the gun, turned around and grabbed Tomoe into a strangling hug. The fox blinked as Mikage lifted his arms in a panic.

"Did he touch you? Where's the Blood!? WHERE'S THE BLOOD!?" He started to throw his arms about and Tomoe just looked at him, his eyes blank.

"Dad..." He muttered quietly.

Gwen looked at the fox worried. he was quiet and his eyes were glasses over. He started to shake in her arms and Mikage looked at Tomoe in terror.

"Dad.." Tomoe covered his mouth, his hands shook and his legs trembled.

That man was coming towards him and Tomoe wasn't going to fight back; He was scared for a moment. He was scared...

"Dada he was... D-Drunk." Tomoe whimpered out. He hated alcohol! Everytime he heard it name it made his stomach twist in knots; It made him crawl up and shake.

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