My Hands Burn

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11. My Hands Burn


Tomoe froze up; his eyes growing wide with shock. He should have known that this wouldn't stay a secret, especially not with Nanami! She knew everything about him and she also couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on it.

Kurama was clenching his fist and had wide eyes; ready to hear the details of the situation. Mizuki had brought jello from lunch but it was hanging out his mouth. He looked curious but Tomoe knew he wasn't as innocent than he could be.

Kurama grabbed Tomoe's arm and sat him down, The fox blinked as his ears flattened. A low grow came out of his mouth as Mizuki tapped his foot.

"Tell us! What was it like? We heard that Nanami licked you!"

Tomoe sucked in his breath and started to stand; sadly Kurama sat him back done. Mizuki shook his finger back and forth, " You have to answer the question!"

The fox snarled, his eyes turning evil. He was not going to explain himself to them. Him and Nanami were just friends; The kiss they shared was just because of a weak moment and Nanami only licked his ear because she wanted it to feel better. His friends were always saying things like this.

Nanami was just trying to make up to him what he had done for her; even though he didn't ask for it.

The teen rolled his eyes, " It wasn't anything really.." He paused knowing that was alie. He never let ANYONE touch his ears and now Nanami had licked them? He was loosing his touch.

Kurama scoffed at him and shook his head, " She-Licked-Your-Ear; and then there's a bite mark. It had to be heated!"

Tomoe paused, He remembered back to the night before and the way it felt to have Nanami touch his ears; his face twitched into a funny look and colored pink. The fox looked down at the ground, finding an interesting pebble.

Mizuki gasped, " Y-You... Your.. You, Red, Now... What!?"

The kitsune looked at him confused and then shook his head back and forth quickly, " Shut up Idiot." He growled and started to walk back towards the school. Hi shead was pounding harshly.. It was good they only knew about his ears and not about the kiss..

That they shared in his room.

Tomeo shuddered and fixed his school bag before it slipped to the ground.

Kurama clucked his tongue, " You need to tell her why she can't do that. You can't act like she didn't do that. Its like kissing , Tomoe."

The fox stopped and looked at the tengu, He didn't want to tell Nanami that. Especially after she licked one of them.

"She only did it because she thought it would take some of my pain away." Tomoe mumbled, his back turned on them.

Mizuki started to laugh and Kurama choked on some spit, " Um.. Yeah, Sure. She's a human, she doesn't have that power. I bet it made your heart beat hurt, huh?"

Tomoe glared at him; Pain flashed through his eyes and Kurama stopped. He cocked his head to the side and Tomoe swallowed. He wasn't going to show anyone his emotions; not now. Nanami was his friend, Case closed.

And as for the Heart beat? Any teenage fox yokai at his age would feel it because of hormones. It wasn't.. That important.

The tengu sighed, ' So, Nanami stole your first ear kiss.. I guess that's what you call it. " He smiled, trying to be encouraging, " A least no one stole your first Kiss, Kiss."

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