To Late

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Hey Guys! I WILL update ' The Past Is Still The Present' Soon! I have been busy and I haven't found time. Maybe I'll update it tomorrow? I don't know.. Maybe, I have to dog sit so I'm not sure. Pus my tests is coming up on Friday and that usually takes all day. I will try to update. I have only had time to update this story so please read it while I do the others! XD I am glad you guys like this one!

It was one of those Ideas that I didn't think would make it; So Thanks guys! XD


Note: ' I'm listening to this song, Called...Disciple - Dear X ( You Don't own me! ) I like it; I think it fits Tomoe.. Eh, I don't know. Haha.


21. To Late


Tomoe shuddered as he literally ran out of the school burilding. His hand flew to his mouth and he cursed loudly. He could still taste her and it was making his mouth water, his heart was beating rather quickly..

He couldn't believe his own words.

'D-Dont...Dont Stop.'

The fox felt his face burn harshly and he knew it couldn't be stopped. He felt sick and the bile was rising up; He swallowed, hoping not to loose what little lunch he ate. It wasn't that he hated kissing her, it was that the kiss was so passionate that it made his legs wobbly.

He wasn't used to doing things like that! It wasn't him, He never had done or said something like that! He closed his eyes and breathed out; trying to collect his thoughts. He felt so perverted! That was Nanami! She was his friend!

The foxes ears flopped as he tried to calm his stomach; His phone vibrated and Tomoe looked down at the screen.

It was his dad.

Tomoe felt himself frown as he opened the phone and held it to his ear; Nanami ran up behind him and slowed when she saw his phone.

"Hello?" He mumbled, highly aware that Nanami was behind him. She cocked her head to side and put her tissue back in her school bag. She had finally stopped her lip from bleeding; since Tomoe had bit her quiet passionalty.

"TOMOE!" Mikage cheered on the other side and Tomoe felt himself smile. Yeah, He was mad at him; but Mikage could make him smiled even in the hardest time, " I have to tell you something."

The fox paused, His heart stopping. He swallowed and gripped the device in his hand before breathing out and answering with a sharp and rude, 'What?"

Mikage sighed on the other side and clucked his tongue over the retriever, " I can't come home for another day or two."

Tomoe felt his ears flop over in surprise. his mask dropped for a second as his words lashed out of his mouth before he could stop them, " I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU FOR A WEEK! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WON'T BE HERE!?"

Nanami's eyes grew wide as she backed away from him slowly, She could tell this was a heated conversation that she should step back from. She wouldn't question it unless Tomoe wanted to speak about it; There was some things that Tomoe didn't talk about and probably never would.

'Tomoe, Lower you voice please.." Mikage muttered, " This isn't my choice. Some of my clients are getting married and-"

"You don't marry them off!" Tomoe swore into the retreiver, making sure Mikage heard it loud and clear, He did because he gasped and Nanami's hand flew over her mouth. She knew Tomoe knew some words; but that one shocked her.

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