Awkward Things You Ask Me

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5. Awkward Things Your Ask Me


Nanami had decided ( After many arguments ) That he would come with her to go shopping, And by he she meant Tomoe. She had been shocked the other night and she wanted to get her mind of the terrible fact that her family was falling apart at the seems.

She often wondered, Why me? But at least she had Tomoe. He was a good friend that told her he wasn't so much of a pervert that he would ask to see the Woman's underwear.

She shuddered, How was it that he read her like an open book? She shrugged her shoulders and walked, letting her boots click down the street.

She was bruised, Yes, But who cared? She was just gonna let in the sunshine like she always did. So now here she was walking down the street with the one guy that drew every females attention for a twelve miles Radius. She looked like a rag doll while he was the model for every Woman.

He was tone, the only thing that made him stand out even more?

He had fox ears and a tail, Nanami had heard when Tomoe went to school when they were earlier that he was a stand out. Girls from other classes would come to see him, and Nanami remembered his annoyed face.

He didn't like all the attention at all. This was the one teen that would read for hours and clean without delay. Yes, He was really good in class; ( Expect for English ) And his favorites colors were blues and Purples.

His eyes proved it...

They were a beautiful purple and Nanami would often tease him for his charming looks.

Nanami stopped in front of a store and looked around, It was a well known store and it had discounts. Good, Because she didn't have a lot of money.

"Stay here, I'll be two minutes! I'm gonna pick up a shirt and be right out!" She turned towards the door and Tomoe mumbled something like,

"I doubt that to the highest Extent' Then he pulled out a book and started to read as if he would be waiting for hours.

Nanami huffed and went inside to get a shirt, Of course it took her thirty minutes to find one that fit. Tomoe had his small victory of being right for now... She just hoped he didn't flaunt it or something later.

She walked out with a shirt and pants outfit and tapped Tomoe's shoulder. He looked up and Nanami paused.

The sun reflected on his hair perfectly and his lips parted as if to say, 'Ah.. Your back. I was waiting for you.'

Nanami gulped and looked away, confused the fox. He titled his head to the side.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a monotone voice but Nanami just nodded and kept walking. She had gone out to get her mind off of a divorce for the love of everything! Not to let her eyes start checking out her best friend! She chewed her lip and then stopped at a hotdog stand ( I don't care if their not in Japan, I'mtired of them just getting ice-cream! )

Nanami ordered a regualr while Tomoe got a pastery. She smiled,Go figure for him, That how they first became friends really.

His father bribed him with his favorite sweet, She would have been mad when she was little but once he told her they both laughed at how childish it was. Tomoe wasn't the childish type so it seemed so.. Different.

Now they were friends, And she was checking him out for the first time in all the years they knew each other. Her eyes traveled over him and she tried to determine what all the girls saw in him. Maybe it was his silk white hair..

Or his violet eyes, Or how... Or how he would give you a side glance and make your heart pound with a confused beat, He would smirk and then throw you an off hand comment; but she didn't care.

He was Tomoe.. Her Best Friend.

Tomoe bit into his Pastery and sighed a bit amking Nanmi giggle. She turned her head to see her friend from class kissing some guy and then walking off as they held hand and hand.

"It must be nice.." Nanami muttered, Half expecting for Tomoe to be listening to her. Of course he was so he titled his head and looked at her.

"What? What is nice?"

"Kissing.." Nanami sighed and Tomoe stiffened beside her as if she was crazy.

"Your an idiot, Kissing isn't something you should be thinking about. You said something about it a few days ago too. " He mumbled and looked ahead.

"I know; but almost every girl I know has had their first kiss! Why can't I?" She pouted and Tomoe glanced at her.

His best Friend was always so.. Different but he wasn't expecting her to start acting like a lonely cat lady, ( HE WAS NOT THE CAT! STOP THINKING IT YOU LITTLE! ) He groaned an dtossed his head to the side a bit.

"If makes you feel better, I haven't had my first kiss either. So we're even." He muttered out as they walked. Nanami looked at him thoughtfully but then smiled.

"YOUR RIGHT!: She giggled and dashed forward towards the house. Tomoe had a time catching up to her though; How did a woman run in heels? It was simply a mystery never to be solved.

He caught up and they both burst through the door at the same time. Only to be greeted by a crying Gwen. She was rubbing her arm and Tomoe's breath stilled.

"What happened?" He spat out quickly.

Mikage looked at him as he placed an ice-pack on the woman's arm, " He visited her at work. She's staying home for now on."

Tomoe's clenched his fist. Gwen was like an aunt that covered for the mother he lost, Now she was getting beat to a pulp and he didn't like it one bit! He growled and his tail flicked about.

Nanami looked at him and placed a hand on his shoulder, He glanced at her and she smiled lightly. Tomoe felt himself calm down at her touch and he wondered why. Why did she affect him like this?

When they were younger it was nothing, But.. Now that they were grown, It was different for him.

But.. Why?


No this story is not gonna be a short one! If any of my readers know me then they know a kiss is around the corner! So keep reading the updates and you might get a little surprise!

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