Just To Make Him Hate Me

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60. Just To Make Him Hate me


Sobo Stomred into the house, She had been calling Mikage for hours and hours but the idiot didnt answer. He wouldn;t answer her or let her talk to him about this matter, in fact he pulled Tomoe out of the school over the phone.

It was the one high-school that Tomeo was okay with, the one high-school that had Nanami, Mizuki and Kurama. All hsi childhod friends, All his memories, His kisses, his bully moments, The time he made it to the top of the class.. Everything he had done, all hsi friends, everyone..

He wasn't going to be there anymore and Tomoe didn't even know; but then again he didnt know that his father was rushing home to cause more trouble, who knew what he was going to do this time?

He was worried and trying to protect his son, but he was doing it in a way that made things even worse. Tomoe was sleeping when Sobo got home, she had wondered why but she brushed it off slightly.

Mikage would be back by the time Tomoe had to go back to school; but the teen woudln't be able to go because he wasn't signed up for the school anymore. This was going to be hard for all of them, and it only worried her as what action Tomoe woudl take with the loneliness of loosing his friends because of a school change.

Would that lonelness mess him up or would he scream out and hurt himself again? She didn't wan that, he had been so good without hurting himself anymore that she had hopes; But now that this happened she wasn't so sure as to what he would do. It scared her.. and she only hoped he wouldn't do something to stupid...


Tomoe groaned slightly and moved a bit as he looked up at the roof , His tongue slip dangerously in his mouth and gaped in annoyance, Two days and his teeth were still bared.. his temperature was still up and he swore he was about to loose it completely.

He hated this..

The fox turned on his side and hit the alarm clock, not wanting to hear it in his ears, blaring away or screeching. His head was hurting and he hadn't heard from his father in a while , not that he wanted to.. The old man was probably in a meeting; not careing if he was sick or not.

Tomeo blinked and winced as he lifted himself out of bed and walked over to the mirror, he looked at himself and bit his lip; he was pale but there was plenty of reasons for that. he grabbed hsi sweatshirt and pulled it over his head, trying to breath out as he ruffled his hair and yawned.

Today he didn't have school so he was just going to hang about the house and calm himself down. Maybe the full moon week woudl calm down a bit and he could be himself.. Tomoe ran a hand through his hair before walking dwon the stairs to the kitchen and breathing in the fresh air.

Sobo was at the stove cooking something, it surprised Tomoe in a way, He wasn't much on breakfast but it smelt good to him as she fried something up. Nanami was already in the kitchen, her hair was in a high pony tail and she was nibbling on a piece of toast.

The fox sat down beside her causing the girl to look at him surprised, the piece of toast hanging out of her mouth as she blinked. Then she looked away and cursed slightly.

She wasn't used to this feeling, what was she supoosed to do about it? She knew Tomoe didn't hold the same feelings, Right? If he did she woudl have seen it by now, right? Or was she reading to much into it? Nanami wasn't sure but she knew she needed to think straight..

Tomoe must of sensed Nanami's tense attitude because he looked at her confused and bit his lip in confusion, " You okay?" He muttered making her swallow.

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