The Jealousy Of Kayako

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40. The Jealsousy of Kayako


She was beautiful with her waist long hair and bright blue eyes; He figure was perfect and everywhere she walked she would sway. Men loved her, girls wnated to be her.. But there was one person that, no matter how much she tried to get his attention.

He would just look down at a book, ignore her and now come to that Girls call. He would move swiftly and his body was well built. He was eighteen, a perfect age for her seventeen. Hsi hair was white and his skin was ivory with sweet tones.

His shoulder were broad; and he was different then the other guys...

He wasn't human; he was a yokai with the perfect smile; the smile she only saw when he was with his yokai buddies; or with her.

The girl ground her teeth in frustration, he wasn't at school today; and neither was that girl with brown hair and a innocenct atittude. He wasn't there with his fox ears flicking about; She wondered if his friend even knew what it meant to touch them. She did and she wanted to be the one to touch them..

She wanted him to kiss her with fervant passion, she wanted him to bite her lip and open her mouth with his.. She wnated that.. No, She wanted him.

" Kayako. Your spacing out again." One of her MANY friends muttered slightly in amusement. The girl huffed out a breath and bit the end of her penicl; something she had seen Tomoe do many times. She bit hard and glared at the clock..

Why was it that he was always with her? And why did that fool of a girl have his teeth marks and his hickey hidden when she came into the school a few days ago..

Why was it that she had his atenttion in such a wonderful way? Kayako swore mentally and scraped at her desk, her manicured nail scrtaching the wood and making it come up. Yes she would confess to him soon..

She had too.


Tomoe moaned and tossed in his awkward position only to feel his body move against someone elses. He paused as his ears flicked about and he opened his eyes and blinked in shock.

Nanami was sighing and yawning beside him and it only took him to remember that they had fallen asleep on the floor talking to each other; They didn't talk about what happened, But Gwen was informed that Nanami was nearly assaulted.

It surprised Tomoe that she wasn't surprised and he watched her hug her daughter and coo her to calm her down. Gwen had looked at him and smiled as he watched them hug; it felt lonely to see a mother when he had none. He had none to help him understand anything.. but he was shocked when Gwen pulled her body away from Nanami's that she walked over to him and hugged him too.

He had felt peaceful and a little shocked; he hadn't been hugged by someone like this in a long time... It felt nice and secure in a good way. He had smiled and relaxed his head against Gwen shoulder and she cooed at him too; Kind of like a worried mother.

Tomoe sighed and stretched out his arm, accidently hitting Nanami in the head. She opened her eys and they both paused as their eyes met. They're hair fanned across their faces as both Teens blinked.

The stare had made Tomoe really self consciounes. He wasn't sure why but he wanted to look away but couldn't. His face twinged with a small color before his hair hid his eyes so tat she couldn't see how weirded out he was.

Thats when he sat up and yawned lightly; The TV was running and he blinked in shock. He heard tapping on a keyboard and when he turned he saw his father sitting on the couch going through law suit papers and marriage liscenes. He blinked but his father looked at him and smiled.

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