Sticky Situation

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7. Sticky Situation


"Why are you here?" Tomoe asked half heartly, His stomach was turning and he wasn't feeling so up to date with his father coming to the school at such an early hour; but the man just smiled.

"I need you to come home early today. Gwen and Nanami went to the lawyers office and had her husband come, He lost it and Nanami was shooken up a bit." Mikage voice dropped to a whisper and concern ebbed into his words. Tomoe was shoacked at first; but then ticked off with a deep passion.

His fist clenched as he watched his father. Tomoe grabbed his school bag and flung it on his shoulder with a new-found force. He ground his teeth and his tail flicked back and forth, his ears twitching with a fervant anger.

Mikage smiled lightly and patted the teen heads, " Relax, She's okay. Just shaky."

Tomoe looked at him and then at the tile floor of the school building. Why was it that Nanami had to put up with that idiot of a drunkard!? His violet eyes flashed with a sense but he smiled weakly and walked with his father to the car.

The drive home was longer than Tomoe could have imagined. The closer they got the more excited and nervous he got. He hadn't seen Nanami since the last night when their lips touched in a more then friendly kiss.

He had kissed her and he had to admit that biting was involved. He suck down in his seat and looked out the window; watching the scenery pass bye; Rows of Sakura and couples on the rode passed in colorful blurrs as the sky lit with a bright ray of pinks and oranges. It was lovely sight and it had always caled down Tomoe's confusion.

He remembered when Nanami and him were younger. Everytime he was annoyed or irritated; They would go the park and he would run to the sakura.




Tomoe: 14

Nanami: 13

_______________________________"TOMOE WAIT UP!" The girl of a petite height wailed when he took off, full force, towards the gardens in the park. He would have waited for her but he didn't want her to see his eyes.

He was embarrassed..

Mizuki didn't have to tell Nanami that he was starting to notice girls more, It was obvious really. Its not that he liked anyone but he did think Girls could be attractive. It was just embarrassing for him since...

Nanami and him had been friends since they were little. They did everything together and now?

She had to face the reality of him getting older...

The fox swallowed as his legs carried him the the sakura grove at the park. It carried beautiful trees with bright pinks and whites. His eyes grew wide and he heard Nanamis feet pounding towards him quickly.

He gulped and jumped up, grabbing on to one of the sakura branches. He lifted himself up and then sat in one the highest branches; hoping Nanami would pass by and let him sulk.

But fate wasn't a nice thing to him at all.

"Tomoe! " Nanami sounded out with her young, High pitched voice.

He hugged his knees and eyed her as she ran under the tree in which he sat. His tail flicked back and forth and Nanami caught the movement. She went to touch the furry apendage when Tomoe yanked it up and turned red.

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