Its Mom!

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74. Its Mom!'


Tomoe whined when the sunlight hit his eyes, he bit his lip and groaned when he tried to move, but that wasn't ging to happened when he was so tired. He whined and tried to move before his back hit something soft.. and big. He paused and slowly looked to the side to see Nanami sprawled out in her weird fashion.

He paused and then whined out before trying to move, he blushed when he covered her up again and sighed out. So much for a nice sleep filled night, apparently Nanami kicked in her sleep.

He whined and laid back down, placing his head on her stoamch before snuggling her and closing his eyes again.. And then they had to bang the door open.

" TOMOE-KUN!!!" Mizuki slammed in and then froze when Tomoe jerked up, yelped and grabbed his now throbbing chest. He slowly glared at the snake before Mizuki smiled weakly and then sighed out weakly.

" Gwen said you should be up by now. " he nodded slightly and then paused, " Plus your gonna be asleep when the socail workers show up." he muttered weakly whiel Tomoe just nodded weakly and ran a hand through his hair.. he then froze up and looked at Mizuki sharply.

' Whats time is it exactly?" he blinked whiel Mizuki blinked and looked at his watch.. or his imanary watch since he was just being a smart allegic.

" Oh.. i don't know.. Twelve thirtish?" he cooed before Tomoe gasped and jumped up.

" IDIOT! YOU SHOUDL OF GOTTEN ME UP EARLIER! They're gonna be here in thirty minutes!!" he yelped and jumped up. Mizuki just rolled his eyes when Tomoe threw his shirt off, grabbed a shirt and thrust it on. he then grabbed his shoes and ran past Mizuki leaving the snake to sigh out and look at Nanami who was still sleeping.

Honestly he was to afraid to wake her up, he heard pregnant women could be scary when they didn't get enough sleep. He sighed out and shrugged as he walked back out and closed the door gently. She was barely showing... but there was a small bump and it amazed him that he would be like an uncle sooner or later.

He sighed out and walked out to the hall before he saw Tomoe run past into the kitchen rather quickly, he shook his head weakly when Gwen walked up beside him and paused,

" When are you gonna tell him thats its seven..." She muttered before Mizuki smirked and then shrugged.

" I don't have to.. Just wait for it...." He smirked and held up his hand before the door flew open and Tomoe jerked out, he glared at the snake and glared. Mizuki smirked and folded his arms before Tomoe twitched.

" Whats wrong??" Mizuki cooed before Tomoe twitched, his eyes turned to slits before Mizuki froze up.



Apparently it wasnt just pregnant women that were scary..


Tomoe ground his teeth slightly as he sat down at the breakfast table and twitched, He would of went back to bed.. but it wasn't worth it after everything was done. His adrinallin was up after beating Mizuki to a pulp and Gwen was now taking care of his injuries.

The white haired fox whined slightly when he looked up at the time, it was pretty eary still. To his utter dismay, he whined and let his head fall forward. He wanted to sleep but that wasn't happening..

So he was just sitting there and biting his lip.

Tomoe sighed out and bit his lip before pausing and gently looking at the table in front of him. Gwen volunteered alot at the hospital, which was also her job. But the volunteer work helped alot too...

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