They All Lost Someone

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17. They All Lost Someone


"EH!?" Tomoe screeched, His white hair standing on end and making his body shake, 'W-Wha?"

Mikzuki smiled brightly and patted the foxes shoulder, " I figured it out Tomoe-kun! You were nervous around Nanami today and didn't touch your food!"

Kurama smiled and flciked his hair, " Plus, You almost made a show out of two teens who were kissing; meaning you were curious. Plus, Mizuki caught you touching your mouth." He smirked and crossed his arms, " Now tell us Tomoe, When did you get curious about kissing?"

Tomoe froze up, his face burning. It tinted pink and Mizuki gasped and pointed at him,


The fox looked at them and them narrowed his eyes; this was not their business! He clenched his fists and started to walk away when Kurama stood in front of him.

"Dont' make me lock you in gym class again." Kurama threatened making Tomoe grind his teeth.

"DON'T BRING THAT UP!" He hissed and fixed his school bag.

He wanted to go home and go to sleep. He didn't want to deal with this or them! The fox was not going to explain his first kiss to the two teens. It was his personal business, not theirs!

He ground his teeth and let his eyes darken when Mizuki sighed, " I know you won't tell us; So.. We will ask you questions!"

Tomoe furrowed his brow. What did asking questions have to do with anything? These idiots...

He had known them ever since they were small. They were around before Nanami and When the petite girl came into the picture? His life became horrible with them but great with her. The fox breathed and crossed his arms. His ears perked ready for the idiots to try and read him.

"Try me." He spat out annoyed.

Mizuki smiled a toothy grin and jumped up and down, " Okay! Okay! Okay! First question! How long Did it last?"

Tomoe narrowed his eyes. He wasn't going to answer that! He wasn't even sure... He blushed and looked away irrtated.

The snake smiled like a little kid, " Um.. Lets see; Three? Four Minutes?"

Tomoe felt his muscles tense and the snake smiled, " BINGO!"

The fox looked at him with wide eyes and Kurama was staring at him with a, 'Way To Go' Look.

Tomoe swallowed and glared, he lit his fox-fire with every intention to throw it at them. He felt his skin burn and it pained him to act this way. He hated being weak in front of a bunch of fools.

"Okay!" Kurama smirked, " My Turn." He cleared his throat and then looked at Tomoe seriously. The fox could tell he was trying not to smirk, Which was ticking him off more.

The tengu cleared his throat and then smiled, " I shall say this in the most kind way possible. Was There Tongue involved?"

The fox turned his head away and started to walk away. His face burned and the two boys Wooped And Howled like idiots, cheering him on.

Kurama was laughing, " YOU GO MAN!"

Mizuki shook his head back and forth as Tomoe snarled at them, " SHUT UP!" He screamed but sadly his voice cracked from all his embarrassment. These stupid idiots! He was not going to hear the end to this for a long time.

The kitsune swore out and both boys came up close to Tomoe. One boy leaned on one of his shoulders while the other clinged to his arm.

"He's growing up so much, Mizuki." Kurama fake sniffed.

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