What Do You Mean, Again?

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39. What Do You Mean, Again?




'Stop it!" she screamed but he covered her mouth to muffle her...

Why? What had she done to deserve something like this? Something so cruel and disgusting? the feeling of it made her skin crawl with disgust and all she could do was flinch under his strong hold.

When it was over... When all of this was over; What would she do? Would she do as she usualy did? Huddle in the corner and whimper as the cold hit her almost bare body? Why was she reliving this?

What had she done? What was the trigger? Was it the fact that she was now around boys all the time? Strong boys who were getting older and taller as the days dragged by?

Would she sit here and cry? Would she wait for her mother to come home so that she could say that she wasn't feeling well and needed a walk? No.. She didn't want to do that; Her legs were hurting her...

She only had one thought pass through her mind and it was something that relaxed her even after hands touched her. When this was over.. She would limp to the only place she felt safe at... Thats where she would go..


She ran and ran until she saw his figure. She saw his shadow amoung the trees and his tail whipped about from being called to the sakura trees so late in the afternoon. Nanami giggled as she contiued her run.

Then she took him by surprise by hugging him tightly. He made an annoyed expression as he sent her a distorted glare.

" Why did you call me here? It is late and Mikage says that fourteen year olds should not be running around.." He spewed; upset that his father was displeased with him. The only reason he could go was because it involved Nanami.

Thats when the girl started to whimper in his arms. Tomoe blinked as his fox ears drooped and he looked into her brown, tear filled eyes.

"Whats wrong?" He asked rather quickly as he brushed hair out of her eyes. The girl blinked and then hestitated before sighing and pulling her arms away from him. He blinked as she looked down and feined embarrassment.

"I watched a horror film again.." She smiled sheepishly and Tomoe gave her look that described his emotions comepletely. A horror film? Really!? That why she called him and dragged him to the sakura groves? He pouted and crossed his arms.

His childlike ears flicked about and he stood there annoyed. He was the only yokai that wasn't exactly maturing yet; so to anyone on the block he looked like an eightyear old. It ticked him off..

"I told you not to watch them! They scare you and shake you up more then they should.." He sighed heavily and opened his coat before grabbing Nanami's hand and pulling her into his embrace. He wrapped his coat around them both and then zipped her up inside the cloth along with him. He leaned his forehead on hers and sighed.

"No more horror films, Alright?" He muttered quietly.. His voice ringing through the girls ears.

Nanami nodded; Even though they were pressed together and hugging in the cold of the park; She didn't feel like she had when her father pinned her to the floor and demanded that she stayed quiet as he defiled her innocence.

No, Tomoe was comfortable and he wasn't trying to touch her like that. He was keeping her warm with his fox-fire as his hands stroked her back, His palms were warm as he summoned the fire to heat his hands.. But his strokes were gentle and careing. He had nothing else on his mind..

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