Don't Stop

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Hey Guys! I want to say... YAY! You do read the Author's notes! XD You ALL want an ear moment so here is your special chapter!


20. Don't Stop


Nanami sighed a in the lunchroom of the old highschool, She picked at her bento and groaned at how tired she was; and maybe bored.

Tomoe still seemed to be in a bad mood; and Mikage and her mother were ot home yet. They had been gone for two days now and both teens were getting restless; Especially Tomoe.

The fox growled and stabbed a piece of sushi, all the while letting Mizuki and Kurama look at each other and furrow their brows. He didn't want to show his frustration but right now eveything had him tense.

His English class, His father being gone; Being in the same house as Nanami.


The fox stuffed some food in his mouth but gagged, it wasn't helping anyway. He didn't have to eat all the time like humans and yet he did so without fail. Right now his stomach was churning and screaming at him for trying to eat at all.

Tomoe was having a hard time with his mask lately, He didn't want his father to be gone; he didn't want him to be fufilling prayers, The fox just wanted to see Mikage for longer that a few days. It was like Mikage was always gone and the fox felt alone.

Yes, His father had duties but wasn't he his son? Couldn't he sqeeze in some time for him? He was an idiot! When Tomoe was little and lost his mother he felt alone; his father then told him he was there when he needed him.

Sadly when Tomoe went to school and got into fights with other teenagers his age? He would come home swollen and his father wouldn't be there because he would be out fulfilling prayers that could wait until another day.

When he came home he had to care for himself and ice his brusies. Then he would plop on the couch and pass out until Nanami came over. When he was younger he was pretty short for his age and being made fun of was regular. Mostly because he attracted girls more than the other men, thus making them envious.

He had white hair and violet eyes and girls woul trdeat him like a rag doll or something.

Mikage wasn't a horriable father. He helped when he could and talked to Tomoe through things that only a father could; thats why the teen was close to him, but..

When Tomoe needed to talk to him? He would have to wait until his dad got home and by then it didn't matter. His father would always try to make it up by being there as much as he could but his job was harsh; He was a god after all..

A god with a kitsune son;Thats caused a big problem in the assembly. Tomoe of course was accepted and brought up to be able to read prayers also. Even though he couldn't fufill them. The fox clenched his teeth and sighed out as he poked at his bento.

"Dude.. First your stabbing it now your lost." Kurama muttered, he looked like he was tired, " Watching you throw a fit is exhausting."

Tomoe glared at him while Mizuki odded, " Yeah, Whats wrong? You don't act like this.."

The fox paused, No one knew abotu his mask; about his fake self. It hurt to thin that when his father was gone he had to act like he was someone else.

If he showed that he was upset that his father left; or that he was alone in a big, empty white house? They would only give him pity and he despised that one word.

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