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Date: June 25, 2067

Time: 12:14 pm

Subject: Babysitting


I sat on the couch on the main floor with a bowl of cocoa crispies on my lap and my fuzzy blue pj pants still on. I was watching my Vampire Knight DVD on my 75 inch flat screen television and relieved a long yawn I’d been holding in for a while. I didn’t have to go to the station until six tonight, and I was taking advantage of that to its fullest. I hadn’t even brushed my hair today. I was going to stroll down to the bookstore later and pick up some new over priced reads. I was so glad I was rich.

“Hey.” I heard a higher sounding voice behind me. I gasped and spilt my cereal all over me, and whipped out my katanas.

“Oh shit!” I exclaimed not noticing the milk running off my fuzzy pants. My eyes adjusted to the figure in the black skinny jeans, studded belt, combat boots, Meow Wow hoodie, and a full head of thick wavy red hair. “Elijah, don’t sneak up on me like that! I could have stabbed you!” I exclaimed. She flipped over the massage chair and kicked her feet up on the glass coffee table with the metal lion paw feet at the bottom of the legs.

“Nah, you wouldn’t do that.” She replied smirking.

“Wanna bet?” I replied laughing holding up my right katana.

“Yes.” She replied. I laughed and pretended to stab her and she did her signature ‘tree face’. Tree face was when she opened her mouth and moved her tongue back in fourth while squinting her eyes. Don’t ask me why she calls it tree face. It has something to do withBrooklynand a tree. I don’t remember. I laughed and sat back down on the couch after cleaning up the milk I spilt.

“So what’s up?” I asked.

“Well, you might have to get your force on the line.” She replied. I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Alexander has some people trying to kill him. They broke into his penthouse this morning and tried to kidnap him. There are two dead bodies in the hallway; I have no idea how they got there.” She told me not looking me in the eye.

“Mhm, no idea?” I asked. She smiled an embarrassed smile.

“Did I stutter?” She joked. I laughed, and knew clearly she killed them.

“So, what did they look like?” I asked her.

“Fat, tall, buff, and wearing suits.” She told me.

“Ricardo and Block Head.” I murmured. They were known for there past in the Russian mafia. There mafia was filled with crazy technicians and cold blooded killers.

“Who are they?” I asked.

“There part of a Russian mafia. They construct top of the line products, sell them, and are multibillionaires. They are deffinently the wrong people to cross.” I told her with my eyes big.

“Well…Alexander purchased… something… from them, and they weren’t happy with what they got back.” She told me slowly.

“I’m not going to arrest your friend, but I do need to know what I’m dealing with.” I told her truthfully.

“For one; he’s not my friend in any way, shape, or form. He’s an important part of the group for now. I wish he wasn’t, but he is. Anyways, he bought there super computer with a fake bank account. They tried to transact the money, and it failed.” She summed up for me. I widened my eyes and smiled a little. I shook my head.

“What?” She asked.

“Oh nothing.” I lied putting my hand up laughing a bit.

“What?” She exclaimed smiling.

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