There's a fine line between causing trouble and messing with the goverment

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Date: June 11, 2067

Time: 10:07 am

Subject: There’s a fine line between causing trouble and messing with the goverment


I wiped the crust from my eyes as I focused on the screen. I fired as few shots wiping out the targets from the other side. I squinted as I examined the battlefield through my scope. I spotted a soldier coming from the hillside with a new crew. Quickly I sniped them in there foreheads before they could even spot me. Blood filled my television screen. I cursed loudly and threw down my controller. They came up from behind again! I switched off my Playstation and put Call of Duty in its original case and laid back in the recliner massaging my eyelids. I had the hugest headache ever. It felt like someone was banging on my skull from the inside.

I’ve been up for seventeen hours trying to beat this stupid game. I haven’t left my house since this stupid apocalypse happened so I have been re-beating all of my old video games and walking across the street to the gas station for food. I sighed and rolled over for a power nap when something crashed up stairs. I heard bricks clink against my pasty tile floors upstairs. What the hell? My body and mind were tired but I got up anyways and grabbed my rifle from the side of my gaming chair. I stood up out of it and peered upwards to the decrepit basement door at the top of the flight of wooden steps.

The upstairs floor boards creaked slowly. Outcomes were inside again. Living inside a part of down where there were houses every five feet of you made you an easy target for outcomes to venture around in. Why did I still insist on staying in my house then? Obviously because, this is my freaking house where all my stuff is and I don’t want to be killed. I wouldn’t have anywhere else to go anyways. There would be no point in leaving except for the escape of outcomes and government police. Every month the government MIA police goes scavenging through the town for any residents hiding in the empty houses. When that happens I just knock them out, take there weapons, and mind wipe them after I throw them in the woods. There was no way I’d be sent to a Rehabilitation camp. They’d have to kill me first.

Right now I was in deep trouble with the government. Good thing they had no clue where I was at. At the beginning of this whole apocalypse when the government were everywhere sending troops by the dozens to take citizens away in there large trucks, I was taken. Clearly though, I am not in a camp. I am sitting in my house getting ready to beat the crap out of some zombified people. Well, I escaped them by telling them I had to take a dump. I tried thinking like Elijah, my best friend for a moment. She would have known what to do. So when the escorted me to the bathroom, I first pick pocketed one of there wallets and used a credit card to break the seal of my bathroom window open. There were troops everywhere outside guiding my family, friends, and neighbors into there large trucks. I had taken a risk, but I jumped out and as one turned to me they shouted, “He’s getting away!” The troops took notice of me and I was frozen for a moment then I did something I never thought would happen. My body lit aflame and at first I had no clue what to do. They began firing but I gripped the flames in my palms sending waves of inextinguishable flames towards them, propelling there bullets at them and they ripped through there Hazmat suits. I gasped at what I had done, but I had no time in feeling sorry. I felt all eyes on me as I ran through the village down the road and hid far down inside an old muddy drain pipe. The dampness lowered my torched body and as my breathing got steady again; my body turned back to my normal self. So that is why the government wants my ass dead.

The door at the flight of steps creaked open. I double checked to make sure my silencer was tightly in place. Then I looked through my scope and shot three times through the crack. A disturbing groan echoed down the steps as the body fell down with it. Six more Outcomes stood at the top of the steps; the door was wide open now. They tried clambering down the stairs but there ill educated senses only made them tumble drastically down them. I shot three of there heads off, leaving the others to crawl after me. They were too stupid to know how to get up again. I shot them easily and smiled as I blew on the top of my rifle for dramatic effect.

“Take that you dumbasses!” I yelled kicking there corpse. The adrenaline ran out of my veins now making me realize the horrible stench coming off of them. What am I going to do with these freaking ass smelling things? Putting a towel over my hand I dragged them one by one to the downstairs bathroom behind the stair case and hauling them out the window. I did my best not to touch one. There bodies flopped out onto the desert like ground that used to be lively with grass. I sighed and went in the room downstairs. I flopped onto the low to the ground air mattress and closed my eyes for a nap.

When I woke up again I turned on the television in my room to try and put it on the Playstation channel so I could play in here once I brought it in from the living room. Downstairs there was a living room with a gaming chair, a flat screen, video games aligned on a shelf from newest to oldest, and a mini fridge. To the right was my room which had a closet of name brand clothes like Hollister and Aeropostale. There was the air mattress on the floor and a flat screen on the wall. Behind the stairs was a small bathroom with checkered tiling and a vintage sink and tub. The television blared and I turned down the volume frantically. My hearing was still sensitive because I had just woken up. I wonder what day it was. I never keep track any more. The only think I keep, is the house clean.

I hated the news so I just barely glanced at it and then turned the television onto auxiliary. Everyone I knew was dead anyways so what’s the point of watching the news? I knew this sounded horrible, but I rather have my friends and family dead then in that psycho rehabilitation camp. I stared at the walls of my room. Drawings hung on the wall that my best friend had given me in school, when there was school. Some of them had little notes that said, “Love you!” on them. I smiled a little. I could feel that tight feeling in my eyes. All my family and friends were dead. I didn’t want to cry but no one was around so I let it out. I wished my mom and sister were here. I wish Elijah was here. All of them were gone now. Why was I still here? Why didn’t I leave? I left my family when they were being taken to the camps. I felt ashamed. What were they doing to them? Part of my stomach tugged at the thought that maybe, just maybe Elijah had made it out alive. She seemed like the type to escape. I knew her like the back of my hand. She was out there, but my subconscious had convinced me long ago that each and every one of the people I cared about was long gone so the thought that brought me a sliver of happiness quickly vanished.

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