3 George

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I woke up in a sweat holding Dax close to me. "Dad, are you ok?" He asked me in a haze because I woke him up. "Yeah, yeah buddy I'm fine." I reassured him. "Do you want some breakfast?" I asked him after getting up and dressed. "Yeah! Can we have... waffles?" He pondered on it while getting up. "Of course you can Dax! I'll go get the thingy out." "Ok!"


I went into the kitchen and got the waffle maker thing out. I reached up into the cabinet with the sugar, honey, cereal, and pancake mix. Grabbed the mix and a bowl, put water and a 2 cups of the mix.


After making the batter I poured it into the waffle maker and closed the lid. "Are you almost donee?" Dax came in the room scaring me a bit "Almost buddy have a little patience." I told him picking him up and putting him on my shoulders. "DAD PUT ME DOWN!!" he yelled out. "Ok, ok but you better not be yelling in my house or you're gonna get a whoopin'." I slid him off my back and he ran over to the table.


After we enjoyed our sweet breakfast we went out to the park. The walk there was very pleasant, Dax rode on my shoulders and we listened to music on the way. When we got to the park I saw a somewhat tall man holding a big stack of paper stapling them to the telephone posts. "Dad, what's that man over there doing?" Dax asked me pointing to him. "I don't know buddy but don't point or you'll draw attention to us." I told him while pulling his hand down.


I was pushing Dax on the swing when I noticed the man coming our way. Oh please don't come and talk to us please don't. I pleaded in my mind. Luckily he did nothing but wave to us. Me and Dax waved back to him and I smiled. The man walked away over to the next telephone post. Now that I got a good look at him he looks really... I don't know what word to use but you get the jist. "Hey dad?" Dax began to ask me "Yeah buddy?" I said urging him to continue "Do you know him?" He asked pointing to the man again. "No I don't but Dax please stop pointing at people, it's very rude." I told him, stopping his swing so he could get off. "Here grab my hand so you don't get napped." I said holding out my hand to him. He grabbed my hand and we started our walk home. I stopped by one of the posts that the man had stapled a poster to.

Hiring at Jessie's Designer store!
Work hours from 8:30 am to 1:45 pm
Jobs available: artist, designer, sewer
Call 208-685-3915 (please don't call this number 😅) to schedule an interview

"Daddy, are you gonna get another job?" Dax asked me grabbing back my attention. "Y'know what buddy I think I might." I told him with a smile. Grabbing the paper off of the post we started walking home again.

Yeah boiiiiii this is going places. But- not the places I want qnq

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