31 Gogy

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"Dad! Why'd he call you 'babe'?" The small boy asked his very flustered father. "H- honey- I don't know." He told his son, completely honest. "Well did you like it? Because if you did that gross!" The boy said. This flustered his father, a lot. "I mean I really didn't mind it, he could just- huh-," The man cut himself off, confused as to what he was saying. "I'm gonna go to bed bud. I'll see you in the morning. I love you." He said rubbing him eyes and kissing his son on his head and walked to his bedroom. I'll start writing a journal. Just- to keep things.... I don't even know why I just will. Actually it'll be a soulmate journal. That's a good idea. I'll keep track of all the things I've found out, and things that happen to me.

Here have this, I'mma go get in the hot tub bye (this one's short so sorry :,)

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