24 nobody specific

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"So, George, I uhm I kinda bumped into your son at the park the other and we talked a bit and we agreed that I'd take care of him for the time being, since they took you away. I- I hope I didn't break any boundaries." Clay said to George. "Uhm no i- I don't think you broke any boundaries but I don't really know how to thank you for taking care of him. Like, that's a big deal! Just taking in someone's kid after they got put in the crack house. So seriously, thank you." He replied trying to express how thankful he really was for Clay taking care of his child. "You're welcome! And, I don't think that it's necessary to 'pay me back', really." Clay told him. Dax walked up to them in between them and grabbed Clay's right hand and George's left. "Hi buddy!" They said in unison. They looked up at each other and laughed. "Oi! Will you guys shut up! I'm on the phone." Clara said holding her hand over the speaker so the person on the other end wouldn't hear her yelling at them. "Pfft ok ok sorry Clara." Clay said still wheezing a little. "Dad!" Dax whisper-yelled "make me fly!!" He said looking up at them with a smile. "Ok! Do- do you um... know how to? To 'make him fly' I mean?" George asked Clay. "Yeah yeah I babysit Clara's kids all the time I know how to 'make them fly'!" He told George. "One... Two.... Three!!" They lifted him up with a swing so he was almost above their heads in the air. George moved fast to catch Daxton as Clay let go of the boy's hand. "Gotcha!!" George yelled, tickling the boy in his arms. Dax giggled and yelled for him to stop ticking him. "Hahah, you seem like a really good parent George." Clay said laughing at the scene. "Heh, I wouldn't  consider myself the greatest but y'know- oh shit! The- the cats!!" George yelled, scaring everyone, Clay, Dax, and Clara who was off the phone. "Woah calm down George, what cats?" Clara asked putting a hand on his shoulder. "I- me and Dax were eating dinner one night and we heard a knock on the door but there was nobody there but a box with two cats, one black and the other white. I remember that I fed them a lot of food in their bowl, it was quite big too but i- I need to get home to them. Some- someone take Daxton." George said handing Daxton over the Clay. The brunette man ran as fast as his legs and lungs would let him back to his house. I swear to fucking got if they died... i- I don't even know what I'll do but it'll break Daxton's heart. He thought to himself as he pushed himself to run faster.


He reached under the rug in front of his house and grabbed the spare key, quickly unlocking the door. He opened the door immediately hearing small, urgent mews. "Oh my god thank goodness you're ok!! Let's get you some food and water yeah?" He asked them, petting them and picking the kitties up and bringing them over to the bowls. He noticed that there was still a little bit of water and food in them. I wonder if the police fed them. He didn't bother and grabbed a cup for water and food. He filled them up and sat on the floor next to them petting them while they ate. Hopefully curing their need for attention. "I will never leave you guys alone again." He said closing his eyes petting the fluff balls. He heard his door open and looked behind him to see his friends and child. He smiled knowing he had people to laugh with now.

I am deathly sorry that I haven't updated in so long but I was caught up binge watching Stranger Things. I will be posting a few today to make up for it QuQ sorry.

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