❤Christmas Special❤

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This is a little Christmas special, so it will be in the future :) I hope you enjoy this <3 have a very Merry Christmas
(This is also 3 years later so Dax is ten and... George is- uh he can be however old you want lmao)

"Dad!! Wake up! It's Christmas!" The boy jumped on their bed and lie on top on them. It was 6:09 in the morning. "Dax, it's like- 5:00 in the morning right now. Go back to sleep." George whined. Clay turned under the child, facing George. "Oh come on, it's 6:00. And I have a special surprise for you, get up baby." Clay cooed, kissing George's cheek. "Ugh fine, but we have to eat breakfast first!" He yelled as Daxton ran into his room.


They cooked waffles. Dax poured all the stuff for the mix and stirred it together. George measured all of the things for Dax to pour, and put the batter onto the grittle. Clay flipped and served everyone's food. They all ate, talking about the most random and hilarious things. (I just realized it's on bold text 😭😭 it's gonna be normal now)


"Ok Dax, we have gifts we want you to open first." George told the boy, Clay handing him a medium box. "There's also a couple from your grandparents, on dad's side and mine." Clay added.


Daxton had opened all of his presents and Clay still had some to open, George too. The adults exchanged gifts, George not knowing the surprise to come. They opened all of each other's gifts but one, the one that would change their lives forever.


"George, this one is very special, and delicate, so be careful." Clay said, handing George a small box. "Well now I'm scared!" George complained. "Oh shush and open it!!" Clay said, his heart beating fast due to anxiety. The brunette handled the box very gently, unwrapping it to reveal a box with a snap lid. Clay hurried and closed it before George opened it all the way. He knelt down and opened it, causing George and Daxton to gasp. There was a ring, small blue and green diamonds resting next to each other. "George, will you do me the pleasure of making me the happiest person to exist, and marry me?"


George sat on the couch, stunned and crying. "Y- yes of course!!" He jumped off and hugged Clay, Daxton running over and hugging them both. Clay was tearing up as well as they hugged on the floor. "Oh my god, I love you! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!!" George exclaimed, crying into Clay's shoulder.


And that's how their Christmas went, a proposal. They really loved each other. So much.

This was really fun to write. This is also actually gonna happen in the book so :)...
Any who thank you all so much for the support and I wish you a Merry fucking Christmas!!! ❤❤

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