8 Clay/Dream

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The rest of the weekend I wasn't feeling well so I just did the same thing the entire 4 days. Eat soup, take medicine, and re-watched TV series. But Monday I was feeling a lot better, as if the world wants me to go to work. When I got there I noticed 2 new faces, probably the new employees. The other three were probably assigned next week or in a different area than I was so I probably wouldn't see them at all. (George) I saw Clara so I walked over to her and asked her about the new employees. "Oh, so, two of them are in our area and the other three are in the sewing section so we won't really be seeing them, unless you ask Denbrough to go over there and help them which isn't very common of him to do for you so." She explained to me, kinda upsetting me because I wanted to meet the new people, but it is what it is. "Oh well, ok!" I told her trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. I went to work for the day, and tried to enjoy myself.

Um I'm back from the hell called sleeping. I can't sleep peacefully I'm either hot asf or colder than shit so-

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