4 Clay/Dream

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I woke up at 9:46 am the next day, Patches still snuggled up to me. I went into the bathroom to hop in the shower. I got undressed and turned the water up almost all the way. I stepped in and felt the tingly warmth. Sometimes I take hot showers to make me feel less lonely. I thought of that man I saw yesterday at the park pushing his child, I'd assume, on the swings. I was staring at him and he looked back at me so to seem less creepy I smiled and waved, hiding the fact that I was admiring his beautiful features. He really was beautiful. I wanted to talk to him but I he was obviously busy spending time with his son, so I didn't bother.


When I got out of the shower I went and picked out an outfit. A plain white shirt and a Hawaiian button up shirt with a pair of jeans shorts. (Kinda like what Richie Tozier wears in the more recent films)


I was cooking Mac n cheese when I heard my phone start ringing. I picked it up and saw it was my boss. "Hello?" I said as polite as possible because I was kinda pissed that my Mac n cheese making got interrupted. "Ah yes Clay, I forgot to mention that we put your phone number on the paper because we knew you would do it if we asked." Mr. Denbrough told me, obviously scared of what I was to say. "Of course you did Denbrough! Ugh y'know what, it's fine, I can answer them." I told him very agonized but I didn't wanna have to work overtime so I just decided I'd take the calls. "Ok thank you Clay, that's all I needed you may go back to whatever you were doing." He said and hung up. Well it's not like anyone is gonna cal- my thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing. "Are you serious!?" I yelled pushing the green answer button. "Hello, Jessie's Designer store speaking! How may I help you?" I said disgustingly sweet I internally gagged. "Uhm yes, hi uh can I schedule an interview?" The man on the other end asked. "Of course what day would be most convenient for you?" I asked a lot less sweetly. "Uhm any day would be fine, but do you mind if I bring in my son? I don't have a babysitter and we don't have any family close by." He asked very pre cautious as to not mess things up. "Uhm yeah you can bring him in we will just have him wait outside the door with one of our employees as to not intervene with your interview." I told him even though the boss would probably not approve but he says he doesn't have anyone to watch him and I'd assume he's too young to be left alone. "Ok thank you so much!" He thanked me and hung up. I saved his number into my phone so I could call him and tell him when his interview would be. (Don't worry the Mac n cheese is fine, he finished cooking it while he was on the phone with gogy)


The remainder of the day I only got 4 more calls and they all scheduled an interview. They're all gonna hate this job. I scheduled the first persons on Thursday next week at 11:00 am and all the others on Monday or Tuesday at 10:00 or 11:00 am just to get them out of the way. But I took an interest in the first person who scheduled. So I made the interview so I could take it for him.


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