44 ✨Wedding✨

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(Ok so this is their wedding lol this will be the very end of the book then i will start on a skephalo book like Ge0rg3N0tCl0th3d requested :D)
"George! Hold still oh my god! GEORGE!!" Karl screamed at the man, giggling uncontrollably. "I'm sorry! I'm just excited!" George said trying to stop laughing but couldn't. It was Clay and George's wedding. All of their friends were there, Clara and her husband, Bad and Skeppy, Sapnap, Quackity, Wilbur, Niki, 'The Blade', and many members of their family. The men were both wearing suits, George's white, and Clay's black. They both had bow ties, one green and the other blue.


Clay was out waiting, anxiously, for George to come and meet him. They haven't seen eachother all day because they both stayed at their own houses. (None of this is going to make sense trust me)  Sapnap was their best man, Harley and the twins were their flower girls, and their wedding officiant (had to google what that was called) was actually George's grandpa. He was pretty old and had been doing this for almost all of his life.


Their cake was red velvet, three tiers, with chocolate frosting. (no clue if this is good i just like chocolate and thought red velvet fit this lol) Karl had Niki make it for them and she did a splendid job. The date was January, 17, 2024 (my birthday lmao).


George was finally done being wiggly and Karl finished dressing him. He looked astonishing. The suit was completely wrinkle-less and fit his body so well. The bow tie was just the right size and shade of blue. He also had a small flower crown type deal with a little vail hanging barely in front of his face, just reaching the bottom of his lips.


Clay was standing, almost dripping in sweat, waiting for George to finally come throught the doors. He looked very fit in his suit, almost shady. He knew George would love how the suit worked with his body. He had gloves on, partly because he had to because of his arthritis (compression gloves). Sapnap was staring at Clay and the door waiting just as anxiously.


(listen to "talking to the moon" by bruno mars while reading this part it makes it so much better) George walked through the door, turning heads and widening eyes. The bouquet he was holding was filled with red roses and white poppies. His cheeks were red and he was smiling uncontrollably. Clay's eyes lit up at the sight of his fiance, his jaw almost dropping but he was snapped back into shape by George walking up, and standing across from him. The men were bright red, and their smiles were bigger than they've ever been. They listened to George's grandfather speak, and said their vows. Sapnap handed the rings off. Clay placed the ring on George's finger, looking at him the entire time, admiring his beauty. "Clay, do you take George to be your lovely wedded husband?" George's grandpa asked. "I do." He replied, almost passing out from the thrill of the situation. "And, George, do you take Clay to be your lovely wedded husband?" The man asked George. "I do!" George said, trying his best to keep his excitement quiet but failed slightly. (Just me squeeching the entire time while writing this part) "You may now kiss the bride." George's grandpa said, teasing him. George was about to say something when Clay grabbed him, picked him up, twirled and kissed him deeply. The love shared through this kiss was deeper than any other kiss they ever shared. They could almost feel the sparks when their lips connected. They were now officially married.

omg the oaikdjbvufg idek i had a lot of fun writing this. it also took me a lot longer than normally because i was putting ot off lol. anywho hope you enjoyed this i love you all, this is your author signing out <3

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