12 George

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After a very busy day at work I went into Clara's toy room and picked up Dax to take him home. I saw the three kids playing with Lego people in a big block temple. "Hey Dax! It's time to go!" I said, grasping his attention. "Aww bye guys! See you!" He said to his friends hugging them both goodbye. Why does he have to be so damn cute? I asked myself. (I'm sorry I keep changing Daxton's age qnq just to clarify he's 7 and I'm not gonna change it again) We walked out, me picking Dax up and putting him on my shoulders. "Yay!!" He yelled smacking my forehead in excitement. "Ow! Dax you can't be doing that! It hurts." I scolded him. "Oh, sorry dad... I guess I just got excited." He said sorrowfully. "Oh you know it's fine. You just shocked me, so I yelled." I told him, reaching and grabbing his hand. "Now how about we get home?" I asked sweetly.


When we got home Dax ran straight into the room and changed into his pyjamas. He sat in the living room watching something, probably YouTube, while I cooked us some tacos. After I finished cooking the meat I went to the fridge and grabbed some lettuce, a tomato, sour cream, shredded cheese, and salsa. I was going to put olives but I forgot to grab some when we went shopping the other day. "Dax! It's time to eat! Please turn the tv off." I hollered into the living room to get his attention. "Ok- YOU MADE MY FAVORITE!?" He gasped. He always gets excited when I make tacos. "Yeah hahah I did! Now how about you get a plate and I'll help you serve it up!" I told him, laughing at his excitement. We had almost finished dinner when I heard a knock at the door. "Oh- one moment!" I said to the person behind the door. I went over to the door and looked around but saw nobody. "What the hell-" I cut myself off when I looked down to see a box with a soft looking blanket covering the top. "Uhm... hello? Anybody there?" I asked, but got no response. Dax came up to me and gripped onto my shirt. "Is there someone there?" He asked me looking down to see the box sitting there. "Oooh! Dad what's in this?" Dax asked me pointing to the box. "I don't know but wanna lift the blanket off and see?" I asked him. "Sure!" He bent down and lifted the blanket off revealing two kittens, one black and the other white. "Oh, well, not what I was exactly expecting, but ok!" I said relaxing a bit. "Dad!! Can we keep them?!" He asked picking the box up and bringing it in and putting it on the bed. "Uhm sure! What are you going to name them?" I asked, following him into the bedroom. "The black one is Yin and the white one is Yang!!" He exclaimed. "Well those sure are some clever names you've picked out." I told him patting him on the back.


We climbed into bed after eating and running to the store to get a litter box, food, and a food bowl. Dax held the cats very close to him, as if protecting them. They looked pretty old but we're definitely still young. I went to sleep that night knowing I had new family members.

Ugghh I won't be able to post as much for the next three weeks from Monday - Thursday because of school but I will try to still! Goodnight!!
  🦶   🦶

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