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The men were getting ready to go to (I just had a very cursed thought that if Clara's husband was Sapnap BAHAH- but no thats- pfft that not) the park and pick up Daxton.


They were driving to the park, Clay and George holding hands in the front seats, and Daxton, Jayden, and Harley in the back talking. They finally made it there, George noticing a man. In fact, the man they rescued from the alyssum! Karl!? George ran over to him, and hugged him. "Karl!! Why didn't we keep in touch?" George asked. "George! I- I have no clue!" He replied, face brightening and he turned his head to the man spinning two kids on the merry-go-round. Karl mouthed 'help' at the man, to which he shook his head and smiled. George finally let go and looked at Karl. Still the same, but looked more put together, because of having escaped that hellhole. Clay and the kids finally caught up with George and Clay waved at Karl. The kids ran up to the merry-go-round, the man pushing it, stopped and let them on. "This is Clay, if you remember." George said. "We're... dating." He added.


The park was empty besides them and they spent the rest of the day getting to know each other. The man pushing the merry-go-round was Nick, but he preferred to go by Sapnap (we don't break boundaries here bitches😌). And the kids he was pushing on the merry-go-round before they got there were his, and they were adopted because he could never find a partner. But then he met Karl, another pair of soulmates.


They were all walking to a shop to get food when a dog ran past them. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Someone in a beanie yelled at the dog. "Shit! I'm sorry about that! I'm Alex, call me Quackity- fuck- I need to get that dog! See ya 'round!" Quackity quickly introduced himself and continued running after the dog. "Well that was weird." Sapnap said laughing, the others all joining in.

Oop feral bois :o
Any who this is short, but it's an update. Also I won't be doing karlnapity because I'm kinda uncomfortable with poly ships -u- please forgive me-
<3 get something to eat and drink

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