15 Dream

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We went to a lot of different shops in the mall, other than the toy store. Like we went to get Boba and then I wanted to go look at the animals in the per shop so we went there (this mall is cRaZy🤪). They had all sorts of animals, they had baby chicks, ducks, they had all kinds of reptiles. Like snakes, geckos, lizards. They had arachnids and amphibians. Jayden wanted to get a Goliath bird eater but Clara obviously said no. They had rodents, fish, even a few monkeys! I've never been to a crazier pet store in my entire life. This might as well have been a zoo. Oh and then there were the house pets like cats and dogs. Patches found a new friend. His name was Poncho and I looked down at the paper description and it said he's a Boston terrier (definitely didn't spell that right) and he'd been there for about a year and a half. He was 2 years old, so around Patches' age, a little younger. I told her that we might come back and give him a home but in the meanwhile I had to tear Patches away and meet up with Clara and her kids at the toy store.


When I got there I saw them by the stuffed animals with a small hand-held cart almost filled with little nick-nacks like Lego people. I waved at them and walked over to them. We talked a bit while the kids were picking out more toys. Jayden was looking intently at the stuffed cats. "Hey bud! Whatcha doing here?" I asked the boy. "Ughh I'm trying to find a perfect stuffed kitty for my friend but I can't find one!" He said very agonized. "Well what kind of cats do they like?" I questioned him. "He likes plain black ones with green eyes, but I can't decide between this one and that one!!" I looked at the toys he pointed to and grabbed one. "Well if you said that he likes kitties, that are plain black with green eyes, then this would be the best one to pick out for him. Because it's smaller than the other one!" I said to him handing the (Hey There Dalilah starts playing 🥲) stuffed cat to him. "Ok! Thank you I will make sure to remember to give it to him on Monday!" He thanked me and placed the cat gently in the basket his mother held. We went to the check out and I offered to pay for half of the things. Clara gave in after a long time of me begging and insisting. I went home after helping them carry the bags to their car.

Omg I'm so sorry I haven't updated!! 😩 I'm just a wreck rn and so fucking busy so-
<3 luv u

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