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Dreams. They're interesting things. Sometimes... they can be happy, sometimes they can be sad. And other times they can be so terrifying that you want nothing more than to wake. up.


Goddamn I forgot I had an alarm- oh I also have work that's why it's even on. The blonde man got up and walked to the shower, almost completely forgetting the 'incident' that happened yesterday with George. That's when it all rushed back to him. Idiot. You fucked up. Your fault. Why would you do that. Dumbass. He tried to ignore the messages his mind was sending him because it's just one person. How bad can losing one person be?


It's worse than you'd expect. He might have messed things up. But he does fix things.


A small melody came from his phone. He grabbed it and looked at the contact name... George. "H- hello?" He stuttered. Why. "Hi..." A raspy, sad voice came from the phone. It sounded like he'd been crying? "George? Are you ok?" He asked. "N- no. . ." He squeaked back. "Will- can you come over? Please...? The man on the phone begged. "Of- of course!" He answered. George hung up right after. The blonde rushed to finish getting ready and called into work for a sick day while he was on his way to George's house.


Road shimmer
Wigglin' the vision
Heat- heatwaves
I'm swimmin' in a mirror


I just wonder what you're dreamin' of
When you sleep and smile so comfortable
I just wish that I could give you that
That love that's perfectly unsad
Sometimes all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heatwaves been fakin' me out
Can't make you happier now


He twisted the key in the slot and pulled it out. Opened the door and jumped out, locking the vehicle. He walked up the sidewalk and onto the front deck. KNOCK

Here 🙃👍

•{Our Baby}• [DNF Parent AU] ✔Where stories live. Discover now