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(There is a major time skip here. So we have completely skipped from 42 to the new years special. The only reason I'm doing this is because I've completely ran out of ideas😅😅. Any who enjoy)

Clay tried to stay completely sober so he could drive people home. (I also forgot to mention that Clara and her husband were there and a few other people, but they showed up later because they were with family) George on the other hand was completely wasted, slurring his words, swearing way more than normal, but that's just how he was. He'd get super drunk and be a complete goofball.


While Clay was driving all the drunk people home George sat in the passenger seat, continuously flirting with Clay, and having zero effect on him. Whenever George said a corny ass pickup line Clay would just laugh at how drunk George was, disappointing George.


After Clay took everyone that wasn't sober home he drove to his house, after picking up the children. They were asleep in the back while George continued to flirt with and touch Clay. He payed no attention to him though, because he would never do anything to George without proper consent, and while he was intoxicated. There was quiet music playing in the background, Talk to You by Ricky Montgomery.


Clay carried Dax in, because he dropped the other two off at their mom's. Clay put Dax on the couch in a comfortable position, with George following him and poking fun at him and saying sexual remarks. "George... I'm trying to put your- our child to bed. Now will you quit it?" Clay said, slightly annoyed but in a joking manor. "Ugh but Claaay~ I want you~." George pleaded. "George. You are drunk. I will do nothing to you while you are in this state. If you're sober tomorrow and you wanna do something then I'll wait but not til you are." Clay stated walking around the house getting a pillow and a few blankets for Daxton. "Ugh fine I'm going to bed, dick." George pouted, but he had 'a great plan' to make Clay sleep with him (it doesn't work trust me). George stripped off his pants and shirt, leaving him in his boxers, and sat on the bed, sort of sprawled out. Clay walked in and immediately covered his eyes. "GEORGE! PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!" Clay yelled, blushing and turning around. "But baby~ it's hot in here." He cooed back. It is kinda hot in here. Clay though to himself. He walked over to the bed and took his shirt off. George's eyes lit up but Clay shook his head. "No George, I will not do anything with you til you aren't intoxicated. It's just kinda hot ok?" Clay told him, disappointing him. He climbed under the covers, George finally giving up and simply cuddling with him, still in just his boxers. They fell asleep shortly after.


George awoke first, with a throbbing headache. He sat up and saw his almost naked body. "What the hell?" He whispered to himself. He looked over at Clay his heart dropping to the deepest pits of his stomach. He thought that they had done something. He started hyperventilating, he wasn't ready to do things with a man again, not after what happened in that fucking school closet. Of course, he did things with his ex but that was different, she was a woman and he was dominant. But when he was raped in the closet he was tied together, unwillingly. He didn't even know the guy, other than he was on the soccer team and he was openly bi to the whole school. George was sobbing and breathing heavily. He hurriedly got clothes back on and ran out of the room, accidentally slamming the door and waking Clay up. "George?" He asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes. George ran into the bathroom, slammed the door and locked it. Clay got up and looked for him. "George? George? George!? Where are you?" He was starting to grow worried. Then he remembered that he hadn't looked in the bathroom. "Hey George? You in there hon?" Clay asked in a sweet voice, not wanting to alarm George because he was clearly upset. "Go away, Clay! I fucking hate you!" He yelled, cowering in a corner of the room. Clay was very confused because he hadn't done anything. But it still hurt him. "George, baby, please let me in, I don't know what I did." Clay pleaded, George unlocking the door but not opening it. Clay opened the door and looked at the mess of tears and fear in front of him. "George, will you please explain why you h-... hate.... me?" He asked. "YOU FUCKED ME! WHILE I WAS DRUNK! WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE YOU DON'T REMEMBER!?" George started crying again. Clay enveloped him in a hug. "Honey,(cringe) I would never ever do something to you while you were under the influence I promise. You wanted to and you were flirting with me and being all... y'know, and you took off your clothes to try and entice me but it didn't work. The only reason I didn't have my shirt on is because it was pretty hot last night. I swear with my entirety I would never do something without your sober consent." Clay explained, rubbing George's back, while he played with Clay's chest hair (that's weird. why am I like this🥲) and cried. "I- I'm sorry... that I said I hated you.... I could never hate anyone as kind as you, Clay. It's actually the opposite.
I love you. I love you so much, you'd never be able to tell." George told Clay making his stomach flutter with butterflies. "I mean... you could show me~" Clay cooed jokingly. George punched his chest and let out a giggled 'no' and walked out of the bathroom, getting things to cook breakfast. "George it's like- 3pm why are you cooking breakfast?" Clay asked, walking up behind him and grabbing him by his chest, under his arms. "Well fuck you bro. I'm making myself a fucking omelette." George said flipping Clay off to which he scoffed. That's how their first day of the new year went. Sadly then happily I guess. Keep your loved ones close, and never push them away. You'll regret it if you do, I promise. Happy new year. You are loved. <3

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