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Dreams. They're interesting things. Sometimes... they can be happy, sometimes they can be sad. And other times they can be so terrifying that you want nothing more than to wake. up.


"DAD! WAKE UP!" The boy screamed in terror as he watched his father's face contort. He was having a nightmare. "Dad!?..." The boy was crying, his father being sucked into a parallel universe, or land. Dreamland. "Why won't you wake up!?" The boy was shaking his father aggressively... when he jolted up. He was sweating and panting. "Dad!" The boy cried as he hugged him. "Hey, hey.... I'm ok!" George said, even though he was sobbing, rubbing his son's back in comforting patterns. "It was just a night terror, I'm fine." He told him, closing his eyes. He lied back down and hugged his son, still rubbing his back. "What was it about dad?" The child asked. "Oh uhm... I don't think you want to know." He explained.


Where am I? What- what is this place? It was a flower field, but the colors were dull and dying. The man spun around trying to find something, anything, but there was nothing. He spun once more and spotted a figure in the field. Hello!? He yelled to the figure. It turned around and what the man saw was haunting. Hello George. Why not come closer? The figure spoke in a horrible static. The figure walked closer. The man then recognized who it was. Clay? He asked. No dear, tis not who I am. The figure touched George's waist, resting it's hand there.

(Warning, sensitive topics)

W-what are you doing? He asked the makeshift person. Shh, baby, it'll be over soon. The figure's hands slithered around George's waist, rubbing. S- get off me! He screamed, ripping the arms off of him. He ran, but the creature was fast, and caught up. It pulled George in by his lower chest, it's arms underneath his. Georgie~ what's a matter? I just wanna |touch| you, make you feel good, will you let me? It asked, drawing circles around George's chest. NO! LET ME GO! George began crying. Please... The man had always been scared of being raped. He knew it was a normal thing, but not to the extent his fear would go. One of the main reasons is that when George was 13 he 'lost' his virginity to a man from his school. The 6th through 12th graders were all mixed into one school, although the 9th graders and up were in a completely different wing, an 11th grader still raped him. There was no possible way for George to escape because of three reasons. One the guy was an absolute brute, George being the small boy he was, couldn't hurt or stop him at all. Two the brute locked them in a closet. And three was that the teachers couldn't give less shits about what was happening to their students, except for one. Mr. Bruno. He was everyone's favorite because he never gave hard lessons and he was super nice. He was pretty much George's therapist from that point on. He would go into his classroom or office everyday after school and tell him what was happening for the next 5 years, until Mr. Bruno moved away. But that was late into George's 12th year so he was fine. Right?
Baby~ take off your clothes. The monster cooed. N-no! Please.... LET ME GO!! George screamed at the monster, scratching it's arms, making it screech in pain. George took this as his chance to run. He ran and ran, til he was too tired to run anymore. He sat down, thinking he was safe, because he was he had faced his fear- the shadowy figures grabbed George under his arms and pulled him away. He flailed and kicked but to no avail. The creature dragged him into a hut that appeared from thin air. (My eyes hurt really bad rn) Terrible devices were in the hut. George was strapped to a chair, being touched in places he doesn't want to be touched. The man stripped him of his clothes, scanning him. Then touching him, everywhere. Awwe, baby boy's scared? It's ok, I'll go |easy|. It continued touching him. The thing took it's clothes off, and that's when George woke up.

The pain dkbchxnr. I hated writing thisss. Any who hope you enjoyed lmao <3

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