29 Dreamy

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The green eyed man lay in bed for God only knows how long. He slept for a good amount of time but was still somehow tired. Little did he know that it wasn't sleep he was missing, it was love. He was so lonely, it made him tired. He didn't care who they were he just needed someone to love, cuddle, sleep with, kiss, wake up to, eat with, do everything with. He met his soulmate on July 16th 2022, the day he was putting those posters up. He had gotten a phone call from his soulmate. He works with his soulmate. But he'd never know that. Not until he did.


Brush teeth... brush hair.... feed cat..... feed self...... dress self. Call George. Ask if he'd wanna do something today. Make plans. Get in car. Play music. Arrive at George's house. Pick up Dax and Jay. Put kids in the car. Open door for George. Pull out of driveway. Go to mall. Have the time of your lives...... possibly.... find out you met... your soulmate

Here you are

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