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(I have stopped naming chapters for no reason at all, other than I don't feel like it:). If it's confusing please tell me, I will continue naming chapters)

George was the first one to wake from their slumber. He was lying on top of Clay, who was sprawled out on the couch, his shoes still on. Daxton was being squished between Clay and the back of the couch, with Clay's arm around him. They looked so comfortable. George slowly climbed off as to not wake them. The two boys on the couch had fuzzy hair from it being rubbed against the fabric. George smoothed it out of both of their eyes so they would have a more peaceful rest. He went to the closet and grabbed a blanket, blue, black, and white. He walked back over to the couch and threw it over them. A small smile grew on George's face. I love them so much... He leaned over them and kissed them both on the forehead. "Sleep well." He said, caressing Clay's cheek.


Clay stirred awake, smelling something amazing coming from the kitchen. He picked Dax up and walked to put him in bed. "Clay? You awake?" George asked peeking his head from behind the wall. "Hm- oh yeah. Whatcha makin'?" He asked. "I am making omelettes. Wanna come grab a plate?" George offered. Clay grabbed a paper plate and George dished him up an omelette. They ate in a comfortable silence. When they finished Clay washed the dishes and George sat on the couch. Clay joined him once he was done. "So... do you.... maybe wanna talk about why you needed me to come over here?" Clay started. "Yeah... you deserve to know." George stated. "I'm gonna start from the very beginning. When I was in... 9th grade I think I can't really remember well, there was this guy, he kinda looked like you and he was in like 11th grade... and he locked me in a closet with him..... and...." George trailed off thinking about it. "Hey, George, take your time, this must be a sensitive subject if you needed me to come over." Clay said putting his hand on George's. "I'll listen... no questions will be asked I promise." He added. "And... he r-..... he raped me......" George was very hesitant. ".... George! Are... I don't know what to say... just know I'd never do anything and I mean anything to hurt you, or without consent." Clay said hugging George. He began to cry again. "Shh.... Take your time... it's ok." Clay told him reassuringly. "And in my dream... there was a big flower field but it was dull... and there was a figure like... like you- and it kidnapped me and took me to a hut, that appeared out of thin air. He- it raped me, touched me, said horrible things to me. Then I woke up." George finished. "George... You do know I would never never ever do anything like that. Why would you dream that?" He asked the sobbing man. "I- I don't know ok?! It's not my fault I have mental scarring!" George screamed. "George- look that's not what I meant, I'm just confused, 'k?" He reassured. George just nodded and leaned into Clay more and cried. Clay shushed him and comforted him. "Clay?.... Are.. you comfortable with...... k- kissing... me?" George asked, obviously out of it from the fatigue and trauma being triggered. Clay was absolutely shocked. "Wh- what?" He asked. "I'm asking you to fucking kiss me." George stated. "B- but wh-" Clay was cut off by George's lips connecting with his. Clay's shock evaporated and he kissed back, enduring. George pulled back and was panting. Clay just sat there, confused, mouth slightly open with glossy lips. "George..." Clay said looking into his eyes. George smiled at him, humming as if asking 'what'. Clay placed his hand on George's cheek, pulling him in. Their lips met again, and danced together.


"Dad? What are you doing?" Daxton had woken up from his nap and walked in on the men kissing.


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