23 GeOrGe

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Me and Karl had a fun time finishing the puzzle and just chatting. I found out that the reason he is in the Institute in the first place is that he's a time traveler. Even I didn't believe him at first but when he showed me that he could in fact take up back in time at least a year and brought us back. I knew we needed to get out of there but  I didn't know how.


The second to last day came around when I was being called to the office (he's gonna get detention xD). I had no clue why but then I saw Clara and her kids, along with Daxton- WAIT DAXTON!? Oh my god he's ok! I was worried beyond hell. And there was a tall blonde man- wait I think that's the man from the park that one day (at the beginning of the book). "So, George, these kind fellas are here to get you out of this hell hole." The old lady at the desk said clicking a few things on the computer, probably signing me out. "Wassup George? How's your time in the nuthouse been?" Clara asked me. She's such a weirdo. "Surprisingly, good! I met this guy named Karl, he's really kind- wait does it cost money to get people out of here?" I cut myself off asking the lady at the desk. "Well yes, but not too much. Just 10k." She said casually. What?! 10,000? That's ridiculous. "Oh, I can get him out. I mean it's a bit of money but I can make up for it in about 2 weeks." The guy from the park said. "Oh and by the way, my names Clay, Clay Dream." He added. What a weird ass name. "Wait really!? You'd do that for me?" I asked him "Well yeah! I mean he obviously makes you really happy, and everyone deserves to be happy. If I had the money I would let everyone in here out and burn it down, but y'know, cant just go around committing arson." He told us, surprising me and Clara. The kids were just in awe I guess, and the old lady's expression didn't change. "I'd help ya burn it down, trust me." The receptionist said. "Hah, I think the whole town would honestly, it's just a waste of space." Clara added. "Any who let's get you and your friend outta here, alright George?" The lady at the desk said. "Yeah I think we're well over due for that." I said. Everyone agreed. They called Karl to the office and his face lit up and he hugged everyone of us, a group hug type of thing. He rushed back to his room and came back with a few things in hand. "Alright we're outta here! See ya!" Clara farewelled our new friend at the desk and the few nurses that walked me and Karl out. I was finally back with the people I belong with.

Oooooh the school week is almost overrr yaaay!! That means I get to draw and write for you guys 🤪. I post quite a bit on my Instagram it's monjin_mms if you wanna go check it out and follow:) but don't expect good drawings I'm shit at it quq. Have a good night! <3

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