38 ♡+*Ɗɑɫë*+♡

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George and Clay went to their work for the rest of the week, not seeing each other because they were in different areas. Friday came along and Clay got a video call from George, and that's how their entire Friday went.


Saturday, the day the two would fall harder for each other. George dressed in normal jeans, and a pink Hawaiian button up on top of a plain grey shirt, and his checkered vans of course. Clay had a pair of black sweat pants on and a white shirt underneath a baby blue hoodie with a broken heart on the back (idk where I got this-). Clay drove to George's house and picked both George and Daxton up to drop him off at Clara's house.


(Just re-shuffled my liked songs and Heatwaves is the first song lmao-) Clay drove them for quite a while when a specific song played. Heatwaves. They sang their hearts out to the song, really proving that it was their soulmate song. They arrived at the diner right as the song ended. Perfect timing. Clay opened George's car door for him, and the restaurant door.


They had the best day of their lives in there. They ate, fed each other (cuz they're weirdos), they talked about their lives before, and how they wanted their lives to turn out. It was amazing. Clay drove George home because Daxton was spending the night over at Clara's house.


"Pfft, heheh, Clay! Goooo!" George ushered as he pushed the man into his house. "I'm walking fast, George!" He complained opening the door and pulling George inside, shutting the door behind them. "C'mon! Clayyy!!" George practically whined at him. "George!" He said, laughing pronouncing the 'eo' in his name. George pulled Clay onto the couch, where he grabbed the remote and turned something random on. George's head fell onto Clay's shoulder, his head falling on George's. "Hmhmm!" George giggled, placing his hand on Clay's thigh. "Ooh Georgie~ you're being naughty naughty..." Clay cooed putting his hand atop George's. The brunette looked at Clay and kissed him. The latter kissed back, more aggressive. George pulled back, "Clay?~ What was that?" He asked. "Oh come on George. Lemme kiss you~" He cooed again. "Pfft pahah! NoO! You have cOoties!" He said, his voice cracking a lot. "Pleaaase!" Clay pleaded. "No." George denied, turning away from the man. "George, George, George, George, GEORGE!!" He yelled trying to get his attention. He didn't listen, so he slid his hands under George's shirt and up his torso. George's hands snapped down to stop Clay's. "Don't." He demanded. "Hey it's ok I wasn't gonna do anything... to you." Clay reassured him. "I already told you, I'd never ever do anything to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. I promise." Clay continued. George teared up as he turned around and hugged Clay. "I'm sorry..... I was just scared." George cried into Clay's chest. He rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head, snaking one of his hands to play with his hair. "Shh shh... baby~ it's ok." Clay said, making George smile, and blush. He looked up at Clay and sat up to kiss him. "Hey, wait." Clay started, confusing George. "I want you to make a promise to me, that whenever I'm making you uncomfortable you tell me, and make me stop. I don't care what it is just make. me. stop. If it's making you uncomfy ok? I want your full consent in anything (because it's super sexy), ok George?" Clay asked him, making him promise. "Yeah... I'll tell you if it does." He said. "Now let's go lay down I'm tired!" George continued.


"Come on! Come lay down with me Claaayy!" George said dragging out the 'ay' sound. "Ugh fine, but are you gonna change out of your jeans?" Clay asked sliding under the covers. "Yessss hold on." George got up and grabbed pyjamas, changing into them in the bathroom. "I'm back!" He said jumping over Clay and onto the bed. "Jesus Christ! You shouldn't do that!" Clay said, very startled. "Whatever, just snuggle me bitch boy." George said rolling his eyes and scooting closer to Clay.


They fell asleep embraced in each other's warmth. They were destined for each other.

Wow a chapter with 709 words :O
Also in that picture at the start, I don't have short hair it was just in a pony tail lol. Have a good night<3

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