19 Dreaaaam

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I went to watch TV because I couldn't sleep after I woke up. I switched it on and went to the news channel. The current broadcast was just about weather. Then it switched to something that made me shiver.
Insane 25 year old man claims that his child is passed out in the bathroom with slits on his wrists.
Then it showed an image of a man- wait! That's the man I saw at the park with his child. What the... maybe they didn't search the house- but wait- if he saw his child in the bathroom with his wrists slit then he wouldn't be able to walk away or go hide. So.... maybe.. he ran away?? I need to do something. But right as I was about to get up and call Clara something else caught my eye.
Said man's name is George Henry Davidson and has been placed in the Jainey Asylum until further notice.
I know our town is big but if this is on the news then it must be a pretty big deal.


I woke up from the 2 hour 'sleep' I got and decided I'd go for a morning walk. I went to go shower and do all the morning things. I grabbed a brownish-maroonish shirt with a red, blue, lime, and grey flag type of thing going across the chest. Then some Jean shorts.


I was walking down to the park, watching the sky turn from the sunrise to the normal blue. I was nearing the park when I felt something hit into my leg. I turned to see a boy, crying, more specifically the boy from the park and one of the kids I saw at the designer store. "Oh hey buddy sorry about that." I said to him reaching my hand out to help him stand up. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I was running and I bumped into you." He said standing up. "Well you mind if I get your name?" I asked him. "Yes. My name is Daxton." He told me. "That's a nice name! Mine's Clay." I said. "Pfft like- modeling clay?" He laughed. I know it's one of the stupidest names you could give your child. Thanks mom and dad. "Yeah... silly name I know. Why are you out here?" I asked him continuing my walk to the park, Daxton following close behind me, wiping his tears. "Uhm I passed out in the bathroom after... cutting... my wrists and I think my dad called the police to get me help but the sirens woke me up and I ran away after seeing my dad laying against the cabinet." He hesitated at many parts when telling me this. Holy hell. "... Oh... well do you know where your dad is?" I asked him hoping to clarify that he was the person at the park. "Yes. I turned on the TV and it was on the news and my dad's face was there saying he was insane and I 'wasn't real' and that they had put him in the Jainey Asylum." So he is the kid from the park. "Well... do you have anyone to stay with?" "No I don't... my family is all far away and won't even know that dad is in the crack house." What the- how does he know what that is- he must be really smart. (the best song in existence just started) "Oh that's not good now is it?" "Nuh uh. Do you know anyone I could stay with?" I thought about it. "You could stay with me."

(Also the song that I mentioned is called 'Im gonna kill Santa Claus' you should go listen to it. It's on YT and spotify.) This is getting placesssssss

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