✨9 George✨

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I can't believe I got the job! And Clara told me that Dax can stay with her children while I'm at work. I met a lot of new people on my first day. I met Edward but he prefers to be called Eddie dramatic as hell, Hanna I can tell I'm gonna hate her already, Jayden a very nice person, Richard or Richie very comedic, and Stacy, who's very kind and pretty. They all have told me a little bit about what I'll be doing. And they've told me that there are different... hmm what would you call them? Houses? No that sounds stupid. Sections? Yeah. Still sounds stupider than shit but y'know.


I woke up for my third week of my new job and woke Dax up to get an outfit picked out while I get myself cleaned up. Hot shower. When I got out I saw that Dax had picked out overalls with a long sleeved shirt with a rainbow across the chest. He also stole my clout glasses. "Alright bud let's get you in the tub!" I told him, scaring him a little. "Ugh ok..." He sighed as he slumped his way to the bathroom. "Hey don't be giving me sass." I said to him looking for clothes. "I'm not!" He yelled at me. "You are too!" I hollered back to him. My outfit was just a plain pink shirt with black jeans. I grabbed a random sweater and tied it around my waist so I looked like that one weird kid from middle school. Dax came out of the bathroom with his outfit on. "Do you think people will make fun of me dad?" He asked putting his arms up slightly. I looked at him almost angry, "Of course they won't! You should be able to wear what ever the hell you want!" I said kneeling down in front of him. "Why would you think that?" I asked him. "Because when we were walking home I saw a boy wearing a dress and his dad was yelling mean things at him like 'you look like a whore' and 'only girls should wear dresses' and I thought you would be mad at me for wanting to wear a rainbow on my shirt." He said holding his arms close to his chest and looking down. I tilted his chin up and said that he can wear whatever he wants and not to say whore again.


We ate breakfast and went outside and began our walk. "Hey dad?" Dax asked me poking my head. "Yeah buddy." I said nonchalantly. "Is it bad to have a crush on a boy if you're a boy yourself?" My eyes went kinds wide after he said this. "Well it depends on who you ask, but if you're asking me then I'd say it's perfectly fine!" I told him grabbing his hand. (Daxton is on George's back btw) "Why, do you?" I asked him a smirk forming on my face. "I- wha- NO?!" He said panicked. "Hey, hey I was only joking, and even if you do I'd be perfectly fine with it, like I said." I told him, reassuringly. In about 7 more minutes we were at the designer store.

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