42 Karlnap (not eithers POV just kinda focused on them)

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The two men went home after their amazing day catching up, and making friends. Karl was carrying both of Sapnap's girls, twins. He loves them a lot. In fact they both do. They weren't identical twins, their hair and faces were different. They were a little older than Daxton, Jayden, and Harley. Daxton was 7, Jayden was 7 too but he was 2 months older, and Harley was 8. But the twins were 10. One of the girls had dyed blue hair, dark blue, all the way through. And the other had blonde. The blonde's face was more soft and dimpled, and the azuliete (lmao i googled that namee) had more of a chiseled face but her nose was smaller than the blonde's. The twin with blue hair, her name was Juniper and the other twin was named Raegan (pronounced Ray-gen).


Even though Karl and Sapnap loved each other so, so much, they still had a few fights. But that's just what happens with all relationships. Especially ones that weren't just started, and more deep. The last fight they had was one of the most severe. Usually it's just about an opinion and it's more joking, or it really is something serious, but there's never been screaming as loud as this time. Karl came home way too late from going bowling with friends and Sapnap was worried, and the worry turned into fury.


"KARL! Why didn't you tell me you'd be out later than you said you would?! I was so fucking worried! I thought something happened to you and- and... what the hell Karl..." Sapnap cut himself off because he was at a loss for words. "Hey, look I'm sorry, if I'd known I would have told you, I promise. Please calm down, baby.... it scares me when you yell..." Karl said reassuringly, looking down at the floor to avoid Sapnap's gaze. "I'm scaring you? I'M SCARING YOU?! DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING SCARED I WAS THAT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU!? YOU- YOU- YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN RAPED, OR- OR TAKEN OR.... FUCK I DON'T KNOW!! BUT YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN HURT AND THAT WOULD HURT ME JUST AS BAD!" Sapnap was full on screaming now and Karl's face distorted with fear. "S- Sapnap.... stop..." Karl pleaded looking towards the kids' door to see them peek their heads out and a look of fear grow on their faces. He shooed them away and Sapnap noticed. "Shit.... hey girls, can you go back to bed please? I- I'll stop yelling I promise." Sapnap said wiping his tears and kissing the twins on the forehead and ushering them back into their room, tucking them in and coming back out, sliding his back down their door. Karl ran past Sapnap to their room, making him open his eyes and get up, chasing him, and having a door be shut in his face. "Karl.... I'm sorry baby... please let me in. You know how much I love you, and I'd never hurt you, so... please?" Sapnap pleaded through the door. Both of the men were crying. Karl opened the door after almost having a mental break down and unpacking his things that he was gonna use for when he ran away. Sapnap enveloped him in a hug and kissed all over his face and head. "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I promise I will never yell at you ever again. I promise with my entirety." Sapnap said inbetween kisses. Karl was still crying a little but started to giggle when Sapnap was kissing him. "Pfft ok ok you can stop kissing me!" Karl begged, pushing Sapnap's face away from his. They locked eye contact and pressed into a passionate kiss. Sapnap peeled away from Karl after a couple minutes of just kissing Karl, no tongue, just their lips connecting. Pure ecstasy.

Oh boy I finally updated. ihms um anyways... hope you liked this! its a lot longer because I finally ordered a new charger for my chromebook and im a lot fast typing on computer than i am on my small ass phone. i will try to write more but school is starting on the 3rd of fricking January and oh fucking boy do i hate school. any who- ily, drink something, eat a little snack or a meal, and make sure you're getting sleep, IT IMPORTANT!!! <3

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